Friday, June 29, 2018

Failed Magic Items: Dungeon Master's Guide Part 7 (G)

It's...probably okay to pick up...right?

Greetings! Will again, I missed the deadline for the last FMI article, but I'm back now!

Let's do this!


Gauntlets of Over-Power
"Wondrous" item, uncommon (requires attunement)

Your Strength score is 30 while you wear these gauntlets. They have no effect on you if your Strength is already 30 or higher.

However, the gods frown upon mortals possessing their strength and at the start of each day they send a Solar to correct this transgression. As long as you are attuned to the gauntlets the Solar is hostile to you and will constantly pursue you across any and all planes of existence. If you defeat the Solar, you may keep the gauntlets until the next day where you will have to fight the Solar again. If the Solar defeats you, it knocks you unconscious (instead of killing you), spits on you, and takes the gauntlets.

You may choose to willingly give the Solar the gauntlets, in which case it simply punches you in the stomach and leaves.

Gem of Frightness
"Wondrous" item, uncommon

This prism has 50 charges. While you are holding it, you can use an action to expend 1 charge and speak the command word, causing the following effect:

All creatures within 30 feet (including yourself) must make a DC 13 Wisdom saving throw or be Frightened and turned by the gem for 1 minute.

When all of the gem’s charges are expended, the gem becomes a nonmagical jewel worth 5 gp.

Gem of Blinding
"Wondrous" item, rare (requires attunement)

This gem has 3 charges. As an action, you can speak the gem’s command word and expend 1 charge. You and any creature within 10 feet of the gem are then blinded for the next 10 minutes.

The gem regains 1d3 expended charges daily at dawn.

Ant Slayer
Weapon (any weapon that deals bludgeoning damage), uncommon

When you hit an insect-like beast with this weapon, the creature takes an extra 2d6 damage of the weapon’s type. For the purpose of this weapon, “insect” refers to any insect-like creature with the beast type of CR 0, including Giant Fire Beetles and Spiders.

Glamoured Trousers
Clothes (trousers), uncommon

While wearing these very "fashionable" trousers, you can use a bonus action to speak the trousers' command word and cause them to assume the appearance of any normal set of pants. You decide what they look like, including color, style, and accessories, but the trousers retain their normal bulk and weight. The illusory appearance lasts until you use this property again or remove the trousers.

Gloves of Missile Sharing
"Wondrous" item, uncommon (requires attunement)

These gloves seem to almost meld into your hands when you don them. When a ranged weapon attack hits you while you’re wearing them, that attack is then duplicated and extended to up to five creatures within 30 feet of you.

Gloves of Drowning and Plummeting
"Wondrous" item, uncommon

While wearing these gloves, you have -5 penalty to swimming and climbing.

Goggles of Nighty-Night
"Wondrous" item, uncommon

While wearing these dark lenses, you have darkvision out to a range of 60 feet. If you already have darkvision, wearing the goggles increases its range by 60 feet.

However, the unusually dark tint of the lenses have a very calming effect and upon putting them on, and every 10 minute interval you wear them after that, you must succeed in a DC 14 Constitution saving throw or be put to sleep for 1d4 hours. If you cannot be put to sleep, you are instead Incapacitated for 1 minute as you fall into a catatonic trance.


Thank you for reading!

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Beasts, Magical and Mundane

Some people see an epic Drow Ranger. Other can only see the floofy kitty
Since I'm now running a wilderness exploration game, I have to accept the possibility that my players will befriend animals. It's an inevitability in any D&D game. Pets happen.

But since we're doing a slow build on this campaign, I want the player's choice of animal to be significant. And that includes familiars and summoned creatures. The animals should tie to the valley, and therefore fit into the world. Beastmaster rangers will need to tame an animal, and summoners will draw on the energy near them to gain their companions.

I'm using some of the ideas in this excellent video on animal companions, but modifying them to better fit the game.

Animal Friends

This applies to any adventurer who wishes to gain an animal friend, including Beastmaster Rangers.

In the above video, Dael recommends that a player can keep any animal they can defeat bare-handed by themselves. I really like this imagery, but it brings up a few problems. 

First off, monks will be far ahead in terms of animal companions. They already fight well bare-handed, so they won't be at a disadvantage like other classes. This sort of undercuts the Ranger's specialty, especially when it comes to the Challenge Rating of the companion.

At level 3, the Ranger is supposed to gain an animal that has a CR of 1/4 or lower. This would be an easy challenge for a solo PC, which makes sense because the Ranger would be devoid of their weapons. But a Monk, due to their natural weapons, would be potentially able to best a beast of CR 1/2 or even CR 1. If your Ranger has to settle with a wolf while the Monk gets a lion, that might cause trouble in the party, not to mention in game balance.

Also, a major part of an animal companion is letting it grow with the character. For any class but the Ranger, their pet would eventually become obsolete in combat, forcing them to seek stronger and stronger companions, until they are trying to tame Giant Apes or T. Rexes. It becomes clear that they are simply using these animals for their combat potential and not for character building.

For the Ranger, it's different. Especially with the Revised Ranger, the animal grows alongside its master, giving the character a strong bond and an increasing combat utility. I want to preserve that.

So, instead of making this a fight that anyone can accomplish, let's break down the animal-ranger bonding into three steps. These are things that can only be done by a Ranger at 2nd or 3rd level who is taking the Beast Master subclass. 

First, we have capture or incitement. A level 3 Ranger will have plenty of ways to convince an animal to trust them, including Animal Friendship and Speak with Animals. They also have hunting traps or Snare if they want an unruly creature. This should involve a skill check, with the Ranger needing to spend more time and resources (food, spell slots, etc) if they fail. After enough failures (or one really bad failure, if that happens), the animal might flee, refuse to fight, or even gnaw its own leg off to escape something that is trapping it.

If an animal is successfully obtained, the Ranger still needs to establish the master/pet dynamic between them. This is where the fighting can happen, if the animal is still resistant to obedience. If the ranger uses magic or weapons during the fight, the animal might only begrudgingly accept their position, ready to strike at their captor when the Ranger isn't armed.

If the animal was charmed into subservience, the Ranger might need to give them food, treat their wounds, or act like a pack leader before they recognize the Ranger as their master. During this time, the animal will be cautious, and might run away. Roll a charisma check each day for the animal, setting the DC based on how the Ranger has been treating it. If they've been treated well, set it higher. If the animal succeeds on their check, they flee while they aren't being watched. Otherwise, after three failed checks, the animal accepts its place in the "pack" and acts as the Ranger's companion.

Finally, an animal requires maintenance. For my personal game, I'm using the following system:
  • Tiny, Small, and Medium pets: Supply Cost of 1 GP/day
  • Large pets: Supply Cost of 2 GP/day
  • Huge or larger pets: Supply Cost of 10 GP/day

Pack animals, since they work all day, might have different supply costs based on their work capacity.

"My tabaxi monk wants a pet turtle." "Why?" " reason."
If a non-Ranger wishes to gain a pet, they need to do one of the following things:
  • Choose a noncombatant pet. Animals that aren't dangerous are common pets
  • Choose a pet that has already been tamed. Often this involves removing claws, stingers, and other dangerous parts of an animal, and may result it the animal's combat prowess being lessened. Pets gained this way don't grow in strength like a Ranger's companion would.
  • Have a Ranger tame the animal. The same steps apply as above, but the Ranger can choose to bond the animal to the non-Ranger, even though the Ranger is doing the taming. Pets gained this way don't grow in strength like a Ranger's companion would.

Summoned Monsters

For summoned monsters, there are two schools of thought. In one, the player determines what animals are summoned. In the other, the DM makes that determination. Some spells specify one way, other spells leave it open to interpretation.

I prefer giving the player the option only when the spell specifies. As I said earlier, the animals/spirits summoned by the spell should reflect the type of terrain the character is in, the animals present in that location, and even their previous actions.

Rather than giving broad advice here, I'm going to go into these spells one by one, since they vary quite a bit.

Find Familiar
This spell specifies that the player determines the form of the familiar and its monster type (fey, fiend, or celestial. Since all of the creatures listed are very low-CR, there isn't much issue in allowing the player to select their own animal. Here are the options, with some notes:
  • Bat: flies, grants blindsight and keen hearing
  • Cat: climbs, grants keen smell
  • Crab: swims, grants blindsight
  • Frog: swims, grants darkvision, no effective attacks
  • Hawk: flies, grants keen sight
  • Lizard: climbs, grants darkvision
  • Octopus: swims, can't be out of water for more than 30 minutes, grants darkvision, ink cloud
  • Owl: flies, grants superior darkvision and keen hearing and sight
  • Poisonous Snake: swims, grants blindsight, powerful poison attack
  • Fish: swims, can't breathe air, grants darkvision
  • Rat: grants keen smell
  • Raven: flies, mimicry
  • Sea Horse: swims, can't breathe air, no effective attacks
  • Spider: climbs, web abilities, grants darkvision, poison attack
  • Weasel: grants keen hearing and smell

When the character summons their familiar, the creature type might be forced due to some sort of magic in the surrounding area. You could do one of the following:
  • Familiar is based on what material components are provided when the spell is cast. More charcoal leads to a fiend, more incense to a celestial, and more herbs to a fey familiar.
  • Familiar is based on subclass. Wizards who study abjuration are likely to attract celestials, while those who study illusion have fey drawn to them.
  • In certain areas, such as the Nine Hells or the Feywild, you can only summon a certain type of familiar.
  • Celestial familiars only come to Good characters, fiends come to Evil characters, and fey appear to Neutral characters.

The type doesn't matter all that much, but if the party also has a paladin in the group, note what subclass they are and if they might Turn the familiar when they activate their Channel Divinity.

Oooh, look at his horse...
Find Steed
This spell is a bit ambiguous as to how the creature is summoned. They provide a list of animals to choose from, but suggest the DM might have other options.

I'd say that as a DM, you should provide a list of possible steeds based on the environment. The DMG has lists of animals by terrain (page 302) if you aren't sure what might be available. Don't forget Giant animals, which make great steeds! On your list, you shouldn't have any animals with a CR higher than 1/2. Also, remember that a Medium creature requires a Large or larger creature to ride (PHB pg. 198).

The type of the creature summoned is also up to the player, but make note of the character's Channel Divinity ability when they summon their steed.
  • Oath of Devotion Paladins can turn fiends
  • Oath of the Ancients Paladins can turn fey

If the player is one of these subclasses, you should steer them away from using the associated monster type as their steed.

Conjure Animals
This spell leaves it ambiguous what sort of animals are summoned. I recommend you give the player the option listed in the book (a number of creatures at a certain CR), then choose the creatures based on the environment (DMG pg. 302). Creatures that can fly or have a special sense might offer a big advantage to a party, so if the player is specifically seeking one of those out, you might have them roll a spellcasting ability check to see if they can obtain the animal they are seeking.

During the summoning, you should be in control of the creatures, since you have their statistics. Do your best to follow the orders given by the summoner, but make it clear that these creatures are not under the direct control of the player, unlike a familiar.

Summon Lesser Demons
This spell specifies that the DM chooses what type of demons appear, and the amount and CRs are randomly determined. The player has no control over what is summoned. The spell also specifies how the demons act.

Unlike other monster types, demons are not well-represented on the Monsters by Environment tables in the DMG (pg. 302). I suggest using this site or this site to find demons that fit the bill.

Conjure Minor Elementals
This spell leaves it ambiguous what sort of elementals are summoned. I recommend you choose for the player. Creatures that can fly or have a special sense might offer a big advantage to a party, so if the player is specifically seeking one of those out, you might have them roll a spellcasting ability check to see if they can obtain the elemental they are seeking.

During the summoning, you should be in control of the creatures, since you have their statistics. Do your best to follow the orders given by the summoner, but make it clear that these creatures are not under the direct control of the player, unlike a familiar. 

Conjure Woodland Beings
This spell leaves it ambiguous what sort of fey are summoned. I recommend you choose for the player. Creatures that can fly or have a special sense might offer a big advantage to a party, so if the player is specifically seeking one of those out, you might have them roll a spellcasting ability check to see if they can obtain the fey they are seeking.

Fey often have spellcasting abilities that can greatly alter the combat. A Fey with a powerful spell like Polymorph or Control Weather might only use it in service to its alignment, or based on its own whims. If there is another way for the Fey to obey the command of its summoner, they will opt for the easiest method possible.

During the summoning, you should be in control of the creatures, since you have their statistics. Do your best to follow the orders given by the summoner, but make it clear that these creatures are not under the direct control of the player, unlike a familiar.

Find Greater Steed
This spell is a bit ambiguous as to how the creature is summoned. They provide a list of animals to choose from, but suggest the DM might have other options.

I'd say that as a DM, you should provide a list of possible steeds based on the environment. The DMG has lists of animals by terrain (page 302) if you aren't sure what might be available. Don't forget Giant animals, which make great steeds! On your list, you shouldn't have any animals with a CR higher than 2. Also, remember that a Medium creature requires a Large or larger creature to ride (PHB pg. 198).

The type of the creature summoned is also up to the player, but make note of the character's Channel Divinity ability when they summon their steed.
  • Oath of Devotion Paladins can turn fiends
  • Oath of the Ancients Paladins can turn fey

If the player is one of these subclasses, you should steer them away from using the associated monster type as their steed.

My mama always said summoning demons was like a box of chocolates...
Summon Greater Demon
This spell allows a character to choose the demon they summon. If the player is unfamiliar with the types of demons available, you should provide them with a list.

This spell details the actions you must take to coerce the demon into submission. During this time, you should be in control of the creature, since you have their statistics. Do your best to follow the orders given by the summoner, but make it clear that these creatures are not under the direct control of the player, unlike a familiar.

If the spellcaster's concentration ends, the demon acts on its own for 1d6 rounds. This invariably means it will attack the nearest creature, or the creature that summoned it if able.

Conjure Elemental
This spell leaves it ambiguous what sort of elementals are summoned. I recommend you choose for the player. Creatures that can fly or have a special sense might offer a big advantage to a party, so if the player is specifically seeking one of those out, you might have them roll a spellcasting ability check to see if they can obtain the elemental they are seeking.

During the summoning, you should be in control of the creature, since you have their statistics. Do your best to follow the orders given by the summoner, but make it clear that these creatures are not under the direct control of the player, unlike a familiar. With this spell in particular, you should play the elemental as a begrudging servant, since it will turn on the summoner if they lose their focus.

Infernal Calling
This spell allows a character to choose the devil they summon. If the player is unfamiliar with the types of devils available, you should provide them with a list. If they are trying to summon a specific devil, they require that devil's talisman, as described in the spell.

This spell details the actions you must take to coerce the devil into submission. During this time, you should be in control of the creature, since you have their statistics. Do your best to follow the orders given by the summoner, but make it clear that these creatures are not under the direct control of the player, unlike a familiar.

If the spellcaster's concentration ends, the devil acts on its own for 3d6 minutes. A Devil released this way might continue to honor the letter of the command but betray the spirit, it might try to craft an agreement of its own, or it might simply attack its summoner for breaking the perceived contract.

Conjure Fey
This spell leaves it ambiguous what sort of fey are summoned. I recommend you choose for the player. Creatures that can fly or have a special sense might offer a big advantage to a party, so if the player is specifically seeking one of those out, you might have them roll a spellcasting ability check to see if they can obtain the fey they are seeking.

Fey often have spellcasting abilities that can greatly alter the combat. A Fey with a powerful spell like Polymorph or Control Weather might only use it in service to its alignment, or based on its own whims. If there is another way for the Fey to obey the command of its summoner, they will opt for the easiest method possible.

During the summoning, you should be in control of the creature, since you have their statistics. Do your best to follow the orders given by the summoner, but make it clear that these creatures are not under the direct control of the player, unlike a familiar. With this spell in particular, you should play the fey as a begrudging servant, since it will turn on the summoner if they lose their focus.

Conjure Celestial
This spell leaves it ambiguous what sort of celestials are summoned. I recommend you choose for the player. Creatures that can fly or have a special sense might offer a big advantage to a party, so if the player is specifically seeking one of those out, you might have them roll a spellcasting ability check to see if they can obtain the celestial they are seeking.

During the summoning, you should be in control of the creature, since you have their statistics. Do your best to follow the orders given by the summoner, but make it clear that these creatures are not under the direct control of the player, unlike a familiar.

"You rang?"
Personally, I don't know if these spells will see a lot of play in my group. But many wizards go for the Find Familiar spell, so I have to be prepared!

Thanks for reading!

Monday, June 25, 2018

Valley of the Lords: Expedition Begins!

To boldly go where no PC has gone before!
I finally started my Valley of the Lords game. Woohoo! I've put a ton of work into building a nice explorable area for my players, and it definitely paid off.

Of course, it's hard to build a good arc out of the world when the players are simply wandering from location to location. Thus, I'm building in a few different ways for plots to emerge:

  1. Each player is being encouraged to join a faction. The factions will give out missions, have plots of their own, and have interactions with each other.
  2. Adventure sites will be connected to each other and to the larger world. The players will find small hints of history and conflict amid the ruins of the valley.
  3. Each character will have a personal goal they want to accomplish in the valley. I am using these goals to plant plot hooks into locations in the valley and make the players seek out more of the world.

This means that the players should always have something to do. In this first game, I had several members of the Ashlen army in the group, so they headed towards an adventure site that had been scouted out by the Army. They were only level 1, however, so they didn't quite make it to the site, stopping at a different adventure site to fight some snakes and make some money for supplies so they could head out again.

This actually lead to the first major piece of feedback the players had for me: They felt the supply cost was very steep to begin. This was a result of a few different factors, but largely to blame was the fact that two of them started without gold to spend on their supplies. The Haunted One background from Curse of Strahd doesn't have gold to start with it. I gave each of them a few gold from their factions, but I'm definitely updating the rules to give the Haunted One some starting gold.

The other thing I will be doing is making sure each adventuring site has plenty of sellable items for the players to recoup their gold costs. The characters just barely made a profit from their first trip, but I suspect they might have earned more if they had fully looted all of the monsters they fought. It will be a balance to ensure the players always have the resources to continue exploring.

Of course, there's already a lot of means for a mid-level group to get around the supply costs, so I imagine this will be a challenge for the first few levels only. But those first few levels are vital for character establishment, so I don't want to diminish that challenge - that's how the characters will define themselves! And overcoming that challenge with spells like Create Food and Water will be a big deal.

Finally, I started a Logbook where the players can check up on their progress and see the escapades of their fellow adventurers. The map is still kind of clunky, but I'm hoping to update it with a more streamlined version soon.

Also, we did have a Chaos Quest recently, but I've been so busy prepping for the Valley that I haven't had time to do a recap. Expect that next week!

Thanks for reading!

Friday, June 22, 2018

Creature Loot: Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes - Deathlocks and Demons

Who likes to vrock the party? We like to vrock the party!
Well, I'm truly back into the grind of Creature Loot. And these bigger monsters are definitely taking more time to build, so I hope you enjoy them. If you do, don't forget to check out the index, and get the PDFs of the previous creature loot articles! And please let me know if you see any items that have typos or could be improved.

Here we go!


Deathlock (4) - undead (religion)
  • 1 Deathlock Staff: Acts as an Arcane Focus for a Warlock. Requires attunement. An attuned creature has advantage on saving throws against any effect that would turn it. Curse. While a creature is attuned to the staff, they must make a DC 13 Charisma saving throw at the end of each long rest and when succeed on a saving throw against an effect that would turn them. This saving throw is rolled with disadvantage if made due to the creature avoiding being turned. On a failed save, a vision of the Deathlock's patron (an illusion without stats) appears to the attuned creature, offering dark power in exchange for servitude. If they are turned down, the Deathlock's patron becomes an enemy of the creature for the rest of their mortal life. If their offer is accepted, the character's next level must be a level in the Warlock Class, using the subclass that fits the Deathlock's Patron.
  • 1d4 Bound Flesh: As an action, a creature can consume the Bound Flesh to cast Detect Magic (which does not require concentration), Disguise Self, or Mage Armor on themselves. When they do so, they must make a DC 13 Charisma saving throw. On a failure, the creature is also under the effect of a Suggestion spell for the duration of the chosen spell. They must follow the request caused by the Suggestion spell, which is made by the Deathlock's Patron.
  • 1d2 Deathlock Claw: Acts as a club that deals 1d6 necrotic damage on a hit.
  • 1 Warlock's Symbol: A tome, keepsake, or tattoo that can be used to identify who the Deathlock was in life

Deathlock Mastermind (8) - undead (religion)
  • 1 Deathlock Staff: Acts as an Arcane Focus for a Warlock. Requires attunement. An attuned creature has advantage on saving throws against any effect that would turn it. Curse. While a creature is attuned to the staff, they must make a DC 14 Charisma saving throw at the end of each long rest and when succeed on a saving throw against an effect that would turn them. This saving throw is rolled with disadvantage if made due to the creature avoiding being turned. On a failed save, a vision of the Deathlock's patron (an illusion without stats) appears to the attuned creature, offering dark power in exchange for servitude. If they are turned down, the Deathlock's patron becomes an enemy of the creature for the rest of their mortal life. If their offer is accepted, the character's next level must be a level in the Warlock Class, using the subclass that fits the Deathlock's Patron.
  • 2d4 Bound Flesh: As an action, a creature can consume the Bound Flesh to cast Detect Magic (which does not require concentration), Disguise Self, or Mage Armor on themselves. When they do so, they must make a DC 13 Charisma saving throw. On a failure, the creature is also under the effect of a Suggestion spell for the duration of the chosen spell. They must follow the request caused by the Suggestion spell, which is made by the Deathlock's Patron.
  • 2 Deathlock Claw: Acts as a club that deals 1d6 necrotic damage on a hit.
  • 1d4 Wisps of Shadow: Destroyed if exposed to sunlight. 5 of these can be carefully crafted by a spellcaster (conjuration) into a Shadow Crossing, a portal that leads to the Shadowfell. The portal is permanently affixed to the location where it is crafted. 20 of these can be mastercrafted by a spellcaster (transmutation) into a Portable Hole. 
  • 1d2 Deathlock Mastermind Eyes: No immediate use. Can be carefully crafted by a spellcaster (evocation) into a Grave Bolt Amulet, which requires attunement. An attuned creature can use an action to cast a ray of necrotic energy at a target within 120 feet, with a +6 bonus to hit. On a hit, the target takes 18 (4d8) necrotic damage, and if it is Large or smaller, must succeed on a DC 16 Strength saving throw or become restrained as shadowy tendrils wrap around it for 1 minute. A restrained target can use its action to repeat the saving throw, ending the effect on itself on a success. Once a bolt has been fired three times from the Amulet, it can't be fired again until the next dawn.
  • 1 Warlock's Symbol: A tome, keepsake, or tattoo that can be used to identify who the Deathlock was in life

Deathlock Wight (3) - undead (religion)
  • 1d4 Bound Flesh: As an action, a creature can consume the Bound Flesh to cast Detect Magic (which does not require concentration), Disguise Self, or Mage Armor on themselves. When they do so, they must make a DC 13 Charisma saving throw. On a failure, the creature is also under the effect of a Suggestion spell for the duration of the chosen spell. They must follow the request caused by the Suggestion spell, which is made by the Deathlock's Patron.
  • 1d4 Wisps of Shadow: Destroyed if exposed to sunlight. 5 of these can be carefully crafted by a spellcaster (conjuration) into a Shadow Crossing, a portal that leads to the Shadowfell. The portal is permanently affixed to the location where it is crafted. 20 of these can be mastercrafted by a spellcaster (transmutation) into a Portable Hole.
  • 1d2 Deathlock Wight Eyes: No immediate use. Can be carefully crafted by a spellcaster (evocation) into a Minor Grave Bolt Amulet, which requires attunement. An attuned creature can use an action to cast a ray of necrotic energy at a target within 120 feet, with a +5 bonus to hit. On a hit, the target takes 7 (1d8+3) necrotic damage. Once a bolt has been fired three times from the Amulet, it can't be fired again until the next dawn.


Note:  Unless the demon is killed in the Abyss, only the Foul Ichor and Cultist's Sigils are able to be harvested.
I understand your concerns, but you see, this is  EVIL mold. With a walking speed of 40 feet.

Alklilth (11) - fiend (religion)
  • 2 Vials of Foul Ichor: No immediate use. Can be mastercrafted (alchemist's supplies) into a potion of poison immunity. When consumed, grants immunity to poison damage and the poisoned condition for 1 hour, and heals any poisons currently affecting the creature.
  • 1 Cultist's Sigil: The signature sigil of a demonic cult. By using the sigil to cast a ritual spell over the course of a number of hours equal to the demon's CR, the particular demon who was holding the sigil can be summoned. The demon will be hostile upon arrival and must be magically contained in order to be bargained with.
  • 1 Demon Heart: While holding the heart, it can be used to cast Plane Shift as a ritual. Only the creature holding the heart may shift. This consumes the heart. When the spell is cast, roll 1d20. On a 1, the bearer is shifted to a random location in the abyss instead of the intended destination.
  • 1 Demonic Amulet: This item cannot be looted normally. The amulet disappears when the demon dies, unless stolen/removed beforehand. Retrieving it requires a DC 25 Dexterity (Slight of Hand) check, with advantage if the demon is incapacitated. Holding the amulet grants one favor from the demon, in exchange for the return of the amulet. The demon may not honor the favor if the amulet is given before the favor is complete.
  • 2d4 Vials of Alkilith Acid: Acts as a basic vial of Acid, but deals 4d6 damage on a hit.
  • 2d4 Alkilith Eyes: Any creature that isn't a demon that starts its turn within 30 feet of an Alkalith Eye must succeed on a DC 18 Wisdom saving throw, or it hears a faint buzzing in its head for a moment and has disadvantage on its next attack roll, saving throw, or ability check. If the saving throw against the Eye fails by 5 or more, the creature is instead subjected to the Confusion spell for l minute. While under the effect of that confusion, the creature is immune to the effects of the Eye.
  • 1 Wreath of Abyssal Moss: If left undisturbed for 1d10 weeks, transforms into a portal to a random layer of the abyss. The Wreath has AC 10 and 1 hit point.
  • 1 Vial of Alkilith Sticky Secretion: No immediate use. Can be mastercrafted (alchemist's supplies) into Sovereign Glue. The crafter must provide a flask coated with Oil of Slipperiness or the crafting will automatically fail.

Armanite (7) - fiend (religion)
  • 1 Vial of Foul Ichor: No immediate use. Can be mastercrafted (alchemist's supplies) into a potion of poison immunity. When consumed, grants immunity to poison damage and the poisoned condition for 1 hour, and heals any poisons currently affecting the creature.
  • 1 Demon Heart: While holding the heart, it can be used to cast Plane Shift as a ritual. Only the creature holding the heart may shift. This consumes the heart. When the spell is cast, roll 1d20. On a 1, the bearer is shifted to a random location in the abyss instead of the intended destination.
  • 1d4 Armanite Hooves: Acts as a hammer. Can be carefully crafted (jeweler’s tools) into 1d6 dice. These dice grant advantage to gaming set checks made to determine the outcome of a dice game, but only when they are coated in the user's blood.
  • 1d10 Armanite Claws: Acts as a magical dagger.
  • 1 Armanite Serrated Tail: Acts as a magical longsword.
  • 1 Armanite Hide: Acts as a blanket. Can be carefully crafted (leatherworker's tools) into Armanite Hide Armor, which acts like Hide Armor that requires attunement. An attuned creature has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.
  • 1d2 Armanite Horns: Requires attunement. An attuned creature can use an action to loose a bolt of lightning from the horn in a line 60 feet long and 10 feet wide. Each creature in the line must make a DC 15 dexterity saving throw, taking 27 (6d8) lightning damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. Once the Horn has been used this way, it can't be used again until the next dawn.

Bulezau (3) - fiend (religion)
  • 1 Vial of Foul Ichor: No immediate use. Can be mastercrafted (alchemist's supplies) into a potion of poison immunity. When consumed, grants immunity to poison damage and the poisoned condition for 1 hour, and heals any poisons currently affecting the creature.
  • 1 Demon Heart: While holding the heart, it can be used to cast Plane Shift as a ritual. Only the creature holding the heart may shift. This consumes the heart. When the spell is cast, roll 1d20. On a 1, the bearer is shifted to a random location in the abyss instead of the intended destination.
  • 1 Bulezau Barbed Tail: Acts as a whip that deals 1d12 damage on a hit, and has the heavy property. When the whip hits a creature, that creature must succeed on a DC 13 Constitution saving throw against disease or become poisoned until the disease ends. While poisoned this way, the target sports festering boils, coughs up flies, and sheds rotting skin, and the target must repeat the saving throw after every 24 hours that elapse. On a successful save, the disease ends. On a failed save, the target's hit point maximum is reduced by 4 (ld8). The target dies if its hit point maximum is reduced to 0. Once the whip has conferred this disease, it loses this property.

I know the Dybbuk and Maurezhi are only in the book together because of the alphabet... but I like to think they are friends
Dybbuk (4) - fiend (religion)
  • 1 Vial of Foul Ichor: No immediate use. Can be mastercrafted (alchemist's supplies) into a potion of poison immunity. When consumed, grants immunity to poison damage and the poisoned condition for 1 hour, and heals any poisons currently affecting the creature.
  • 1 Vial of Ectoplasm: No immediate use. Can be crafted (alchemist's supplies) into a Potion of Invisibility or an Oil of Etherealness.
  • 1d4 Dybbuk Tendrils: Acts as a magical whip that deals 1d8 necrotic damage on a hit. If the target is a creature, its hit point maximum is also reduced by an amount equal to half the necrotic damage it takes. This reduction lasts until the target finishes a short or long rest. The target dies if this effect reduces its hit point maximum to 0.
  • 1d4 Pieces of Possessed Corpse Loot: The DM chooses the NPC that the Dybbuk possessed. Some of their loot is still present on their body.

Maurezhi (7) - fiend (religion)
  • 1 Vials of Foul Ichor: No immediate use. Can be mastercrafted (alchemist's supplies) into a potion of poison immunity. When consumed, grants immunity to poison damage and the poisoned condition for 1 hour, and heals any poisons currently affecting the creature.
  • 1 Demon Heart: While holding the heart, it can be used to cast Plane Shift as a ritual. Only the creature holding the heart may shift. This consumes the heart. When the spell is cast, roll 1d20. On a 1, the bearer is shifted to a random location in the abyss instead of the intended destination.
  • 2d4 Maurezhi Claws: Acts as a dagger. When it successfully hits a creature other than an undead, that creature must succeed on a DC 12 Constitution saving throw or be paralyzed for 1 minute. The creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. Once the claw has been used this way (whether or not the creature was successfully paralyzed) it loses this property.
  • 1 Maurezhi Hide: No immediate use. Can be carefully crafted (leatherworker's tools) into Glamoured Studded Leather armor. Instead of the normal properties of the armor, this armor may only change appearances when the creature wearing the armor consumes a medium humanoid corpse. The armor assumes the form of the consumed humanoid's clothing, an effect which lasts 1d6 days, or until the armor is removed.
  • 2d10 Maurezhi Teeth: 20 teeth act as a bag of caltrops. 5 teeth can be mastercrafted (alchemist's supplies) into a Poison of Hopelessness. A creature who drinks the poison must succeed on a DC 12 Constitution saving throw or have their Charisma score reduced by 1d4. This reduction lasts until the creature finishes a long rest. The creature dies if this effect reduces its Charisma score to 0. It rises 24 hours later as a ghoul, unless it has been revived or its corpse has been destroyed.

Molydeus (21) - fiend (religion)
  • 4 Vials of Foul Ichor: No immediate use. Can be mastercrafted (alchemist's supplies) into a potion of poison immunity. When consumed, grants immunity to poison damage and the poisoned condition for 1 hour, and heals any poisons currently affecting the creature.
  • 2 Demon Hearts: While holding the heart, it can be used to cast Plane Shift as a ritual. Only the creature holding the heart may shift. This consumes the heart. When the spell is cast, roll 1d20. On a 1, the bearer is shifted to a random location in the abyss instead of the intended destination.
  • 1 Demonic Weapon: Acts as a Vorpal Weapon, with the weapon and damage type dependent on the Demon Lord the Molydeus serves. Dissolves into 1 Vial of Foul Ichor if the Molydeus dies, meaning this loot must be stolen before the demon's death if it is to be used.
  • 1 Demonic Amulet: This item cannot be looted normally. The amulet disappears when the demon dies, unless stolen/removed beforehand. Retrieving it requires a DC 25 Dexterity (Slight of Hand) check, with advantage if the demon is incapacitated. Holding the amulet grants one favor from the demon, in exchange for the return of the amulet. The demon may not honor the favor if the amulet is given before the favor is complete.
  • 2 Cultist's Sigils: The signature sigil of a demonic cult. By using the sigil to cast a ritual spell over the course of a number of hours equal to the demon's CR, the particular demon who was holding the sigil can be summoned. The demon will be hostile upon arrival and must be magically contained in order to be bargained with.
  • 1 Molydeus Wolf's Head: No immediate use. Can be mastercrafted (leatherworker's tools) into a Molydeus Helm, which requires attunement. A creature attuned to the Helm gains telepathy and Truesight out to 120 feet while they are wearing the helm.
  • 1 Molydeus Serpent's Head: The Serpent's Head is associated with a particular Demon Lord, who the Molydeus serves. This head counts as a "Body Part" of the Demon Lord if used as part of a Scrying spell.
  • 3d4 Vials of Molydeus Venom: Acts as a basic poison, except the DC to save against the damage is 22, the poison deals 2d6 damage on a failed save, and the creature's hit point maximum is reduced by an amount equal to the damage taken. This reduction lasts until the target finishes a long rest. The target transforms into a manes if this reduces its hit point maximum to 0. This transformation can be ended only be a Wish spell.
  • 2d4 Molydeus Fingers: No immediate use. Can be carefully crafted (alchemist's supplies) into a Potion of Dispel Magic. A creature that drinks the potion is subject to a Dispel Magic spell as if it were cast at 5th level. If there are multiple magical effects affecting the user, the potion targets the highest-level effect it can successfully dispel.
  • 2 Molydeus Hide: Acts as a blanket. Can be mastercrafted (leatherworker's tools) into Molydeus Armor, which is the equivalent of Splint armor and requires attunement. A creature attuned to the armor has resistance cold, fire, and lightning damage, and may double their proficiency bonus on Wisdom (perception) checks, while they are wearing the armor.
  • 1 Imprisoned Mortal: An NPC of the DM's choice is contained in a gemstone. This effect is the equivalent of the Minimus Containment effect of the Imprisonment spell.
  • 1 Amulet of a Demon Lord: This item is not found with the Molydeus unless the check made to loot the body was a 30 or higher. At the DM's discretion, this loot may simply be a clue to the Amulet's true location, not the Amulet itself. No immediate use. Tied to the Demon Lord the Molydeus serves.

Nabassu (15) - fiend (religion)
  • 3 Vials of Foul Ichor: No immediate use. Can be mastercrafted (alchemist's supplies) into a potion of poison immunity. When consumed, grants immunity to poison damage and the poisoned condition for 1 hour, and heals any poisons currently affecting the creature.
  • 1 Demon Heart: While holding the heart, it can be used to cast Plane Shift as a ritual. Only the creature holding the heart may shift. This consumes the heart. When the spell is cast, roll 1d20. On a 1, the bearer is shifted to a random location in the abyss instead of the intended destination.
  • 1 Demonic Amulet: This item cannot be looted normally. The amulet disappears when the demon dies, unless stolen/removed beforehand. Retrieving it requires a DC 25 Dexterity (Slight of Hand) check, with advantage if the demon is incapacitated. Holding the amulet grants one favor from the demon, in exchange for the return of the amulet. The demon may not honor the favor if the amulet is given before the favor is complete.
  • 3 Cultists' Sigils: The signature sigil of a demonic cult. By using the sigil to cast a ritual spell over the course of a number of hours equal to the demon's CR, the particular demon who was holding the sigil can be summoned. The demon will be hostile upon arrival and must be magically contained in order to be bargained with.
  • 2d4 Wisps of Shadow: Destroyed if exposed to sunlight. 5 of these can be carefully crafted by a spellcaster (conjuration) into a Shadow Crossing, a portal that leads to the Shadowfell. The portal is permanently affixed to the location where it is crafted. 20 of these can be mastercrafted by a spellcaster (transmutation) into a Portable Hole.
  • 2d4 Nabassu Claws: Can be crushed as an action to create a 10-foot radius of dim light, which is fixed in the location where the claw was destroyed. Nonmagical light can't illuminate this area.
  • 1d2 Nabassu Eyes: No immediate use. Can be mastercrafted by a spellcaster (necromancy) into a Soul-Stealing Amulet, which requires attunement. As an action, an attuned creature can target one creature it can see within 30 feet of it. If the target can see the amulet and isn't a construct or undead, it must succeed on a DC 16 Charisma saving throw or reduce its hit point maximum by 13 (2d12) and give the attuned creature an equal number of temporary hit points. This reduction lasts until the target finishes a short or long rest. The target dies if its hit point maximum is reduced to 0, and if the target is a humanoid, it immediately rises as a ghoul under the attuned creature's control. Once this ability has been used three times, it can't be used again until the next dawn.
  • 2 Nabassu Wings: No immediate use. Can be carefully crafted (leatherworker's tools) into a Nabassu cloak, which requires attunement. A creature that takes the Dodge action while attuned to the cloak gains advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.

Rutterkin (2) - fiend (religion)
  • 1 Vial of Foul Ichor: No immediate use. Can be mastercrafted (alchemist's supplies) into a potion of poison immunity. When consumed, grants immunity to poison damage and the poisoned condition for 1 hour, and heals any poisons currently affecting the creature.
  • 1 Vial of Rutterkin Poison: A creature that consumes this poison must succeed on a DC 13 Constitution saving throw against disease or become poisoned. At the end of each long rest, the poisoned creature can repeat the saving throw, ending the effect on itself on a success. If the creature is reduced to 0 hit points while poisoned in this way, it dies and instantly transforms into a living abyssal wretch. The transformation of the body can be undone only by a Wish spell.

Abyssal Wretch (1/4) - fiend (religion)
  • 1 Vial of Foul Ichor: No immediate use. Can be mastercrafted (alchemist's supplies) into a potion of poison immunity. When consumed, grants immunity to poison damage and the poisoned condition for 1 hour, and heals any poisons currently affecting the creature.

Bulbous, bleeding pustules only the Pale Night could love
Sibriex (18) - fiend (religion)
  • 4 Vials of Foul Ichor: No immediate use. Can be mastercrafted (alchemist's supplies) into a potion of poison immunity. When consumed, grants immunity to poison damage and the poisoned condition for 1 hour, and heals any poisons currently affecting the creature.
  • 2 Demon Hearts: While holding the heart, it can be used to cast Plane Shift as a ritual. Only the creature holding the heart may shift. This consumes the heart. When the spell is cast, roll 1d20. On a 1, the bearer is shifted to a random location in the abyss instead of the intended destination.
  • 2d4 Sets of Abyssal Chains: These chains are immune to damage from nonmagical acid. Requires attunement. An attuned creature can use an action to speak a command word. A non-demon creature within 30 feet of the attuned creature must make a DC 20 Dexterity saving throw or the chains ensnare the target and attempt to crush it. It is restrained and grappled (escape DC 15) and takes 11 (2d10) bludgeoning damage per round. If the creature escapes the grapple, it is no longer restrained.
  • 1 Demonic Amulet: This item cannot be looted normally. The amulet disappears when the demon dies, unless stolen/removed beforehand. Retrieving it requires a DC 25 Dexterity (Slight of Hand) check, with advantage if the demon is incapacitated. Holding the amulet grants one favor from the demon, in exchange for the return of the amulet. The demon may not honor the favor if the amulet is given before the favor is complete.
  • 2d4 Sibriex Flesh: A creature that consumes this lump of flesh must make a DC 20 Constitution saving throw. On a successful save, the creature becomes immune to this effect. On a failed save, the creature is poisoned, which causes it to also gain 1 level of exhaustion. While poisoned in this way, the creature must repeat the saving throw at the start of each of its turns. Three successful saves against the poison end it , and ending the poison removes any levels of exhaustion caused by it. Each failed save causes the creature to suffer another level of exhaustion. Once the creature reaches 6 levels of exhaustion, it dies and instantly transforms into a living abyssal wretch. The transformation of the body can be undone only by a wish spell.
  • 1d10 Sibriex Eyes: No immediate use. Can be carefully crafted (alchemist's supplies) into a Potion of Dispel Magic. A creature that drinks the potion is subject to a Dispel Magic spell as if it were cast at 5th level. If there are multiple magical effects affecting the user, the potion targets the highest-level effect it can successfully dispel.
  • 1 Vial of Stygian Ichor: A creature that consumes this ichor is subject to a Feeblemind (save DC 21) spell. Can be mastercrafted by a spellcaster (enchantment) into a Poison of Modify Memory, which subjects its drinker to a Modify Memory (save DC 21) spell. The specifics of the memory modification are determined at the poison's creation, and take place instantaneously when the poison is consumed.
  • 2d4 Vials of Sibriex Bile: Acts as a vial of acid, but deals 35 (10d6) damage on a hit.
  • 2d4 Vials of Sibriex Poison: As an action, a creature can release this vial of spores into a 5 foot cube. Plants that aren't creatures wither in the area. Any creature that starts its turn in the area must succeed on a DC 20 Constitution saving throw or take 14 (4d6) poison damage. The spores disperse after 1 round.
  • 1d4 Vials of Sibriex Blood: No immediate use. Can be crafted (alchemist's supplies) into a Potion of Abyssal Lore. A creature that drinks the potion is under the effect of a legend Lore spell, which only functions within the Abyss.

Wastrilith (13) - fiend (religion)
  • 2 Vials of Foul Ichor: No immediate use. Can be mastercrafted (alchemist's supplies) into a potion of poison immunity. When consumed, grants immunity to poison damage and the poisoned condition for 1 hour, and heals any poisons currently affecting the creature.
  • 1 Demon Heart: While holding the heart, it can be used to cast Plane Shift as a ritual. Only the creature holding the heart may shift. This consumes the heart. When the spell is cast, roll 1d20. On a 1, the bearer is shifted to a random location in the abyss instead of the intended destination.
  • 1 Demonic Amulet: This item cannot be looted normally. The amulet disappears when the demon dies, unless stolen/removed beforehand. Retrieving it requires a DC 25 Dexterity (Slight of Hand) check, with advantage if the demon is incapacitated. Holding the amulet grants one favor from the demon, in exchange for the return of the amulet. The demon may not honor the favor if the amulet is given before the favor is complete.
  • 1 Cultists' Sigil: The signature sigil of a demonic cult. By using the sigil to cast a ritual spell over the course of a number of hours equal to the demon's CR, the particular demon who was holding the sigil can be summoned. The demon will be hostile upon arrival and must be magically contained in order to be bargained with.
  • 2d4 Waterskins of Corrupted Water: A non-demon creature that consumes this water must make a DC 18 Constitution saving throw. On a successful save, the creature is immune to the foul water for 24 hours . On a failed save, the creature takes 14 (4d6) poison damage and is poisoned for 1 minute. At the end of this time, the poisoned creature must repeat the saving throw. On a failure, the creature takes 18 (4d8) poison damage and is poisoned until it finishes a long rest. If a demon drinks the foul water as an action, it gains 11 (2d10) temporary hit points.
  • 2 Wastrilith Claws: Acts as a greatsword that requires attunement. An attuned creature can use its action to launch a spout of water at one creature it can see within 60 feet of it. The target must make a DC 17 Strength saving throw, and it has disadvantage if it's underwater. On a failed save, it takes 22 (4d8+4) acid damage and is pulled up to 60 feet towards the attuned creature. On a successful save, it takes half as much damage and isn't pulled. Once the greatsword uses this ability three times, it can't be used again until the next dawn.
  • 2d10 Wastrilith Teeth: 20 teeth act as a bag of caltrops. Can be carefully crafted into dice that roll better when wet with Corrupted Water (advantage on checks made to determine the outcome of dice games).
  • 1 Wastrilith Hide: no immediate use. Can be crafted (leatherworker's tools) into Half-Plate Armor that requires attunement. An attuned creature can breathe air and water.
  • 1d10 Wastrilith Fins: No immediate use. Two of these can be carefully crafted (leatherworker's tools) into a pair of Wastrilith Gauntlets, which require attunement. An attuned creature gains a swim speed equal to its walking speed, and while underwater can user their action to cause all water within 60 feet to become difficult terrain until the start of their next turn.

And that's all of those rascally demons. Next week, we'll go on to the dev...


Oh wait.

Demon Lords.

Hello there
Thanks for reading!

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Innate Magic People Part 4

This time, our artist is Frank Hessefort, a fantastic artist who worked on Pillars of Eternity. 
In Ahneria, nearly everyone can cast a little bit of magic, but some people can cast full-on spells. I decided it would be fun to detail out a set of NPCs based on the first level spells. As I said in the previous article, these are people who are somewhat common, but might have gained notoriety or fame based on their abilities.

This is the fourth in this series, and we get through almost all of the third level spells. These are people who have a lot of say in the world, but still tend to exist within the normal roles of society. They are successful, but not game-changers. Not yet, at least!

Song of Paradise
Spell: Catnap (XGtE pg. 151)
Song of Paradise, a Tabaxi woman in the city of Bellemere, enjoys a good nap. And her Sleep Parlor, Paradise, where people stop by for a quick nap at all times of the day, is incredibly popular. Her customers always leave feeling refreshed! But recently, A tavern called The Darkened Lanturn opened next door to her establishment, and they play loud music at all hours. She needs help dealing with this noisy intrusion!

Nevifra Cazizi
Spell: Clairvoyance (PHB pg. 222)
In the courts of the Visqonus Family, Nevifra Cazizi serves as a lady-in-waiting to Duchess Emmi. Nevifra is privy to all manner of secrets held by her lady, but none of that was much of an issue until Duchess Emmi fell in love with Zamen Saong, a servant of the house that Nevifra also had her eye on. Now, Nevifra and the Duchess have a not-so-subtle rivalry going on, and Nevifra needs someone to make her rival look bad without causing her to lose her job. A few rumors should do it, spread by someone outside the family.

Finosk Snowfang
Spell: Conjure Animals (PHB pg. 225)
Finosk Snowfang is a brawny barbarian, and considered one of the strongest members of the Snowfang clan. His secret? Every day, he travels into the Evermeld Forest, summons a bear or two, and wrestles them. But his Fey-based summonings have caught the attention of Daffodil, a Fey Queen with a short temper. Finosk needs help dealing with the ire of this powerful creature before she smites him.

Spell: Conjure Barrage (PHB pg. 225)
In the Hobgoblin Army of Fottom, Molug is known as an incredible warrior and fletcher. He has used his arrows to destroy his enemies, earning him high praise in the Hobgoblin ranks. But during a daylight raid by human forces, he was captured and imprisoned without his beloved bow. He’s nearly helpless, but will gladly share his services with anyone willing to join him in a breakout.

Ke’moi Fazekas
Spell: Counterspell (PHB pg. 228)
Ke’moi Fazekas was only a child when her home was attacked by the evil wizard Haláleset. He had already murdered her family when she fled into the streets. Haláleset had intended to slay her where she stood, but for some reason his spells kept failing. Ke’moi’s cries brought forth the city guard, who were easily able to apprehend Haláleset with his magic wasted on the child. Now, Ke’moi is something of a local legend in her country as the child who fended off the great and terrible Haláleset. She, however, doesn’t really have any other magical abilities and just wishes people would shut up about it. In fact, she’s looking for someone to help her get out of the country and flee the rumors.

Taybur Saegifu
Spell: Create Food and Water (PHB pg. 229)
Known as the Engine of the Eblian Army, Taybur Saegifu is the most efficient cook the battlefield has ever seen. He can turn forth mountains of food, keeping soldiers fighting at all hours of the day. They complain a bit about the blandness, but as the Eblain Army consists of the formerly homeless and destitute, they are grateful for the nourishment. But Taybur has recently been assigned a pupil, a boy named Tannan Worsley. Taybur never actually learned how to cook, and needs help teaching the boy how to make food without magic. He won’t admit he is incapable of doing so himself.

Anger towards your enemies is gender-neutral
Eawyn Balaji
Spell: Crusader's Mantle (PHB pg. 230)
Eawyn Balaji is a Priestess of the War God Uxnir, and her temple is not a chapel like most religions. Instead, it is the most popular and beloved fighting arena in the city of Zrosa, where Eawyn herself blesses the combatants before they step into the ring. The bouts are taken as the worship of Uxnir, who honors fair combat for the purpose of strengthening the body. But recently, Eawyn has discovered that a betting ring has started based on her fights, and she needs help quashing it before Uxnir becomes angered and no longer accepts the fights staged in his name.

Wyron Rengi
Spell: Daylight (PHB pg. 230)
On a terribly tall cliff face sits a strange little hut. It has no doors or walls, for its inhabitant must be in full view of the ocean at all times. Since the Uroni People began seafaring, Wyron Rengi has sat up on this cliff in his strange hut, glowing as bright as the sun, warning ships away from the jagged rocks below. But Wyron is nearing the end of his life, and the Uroni People are looking for someone to build an actual lighthouse for their ships to follow.

Yula Timber
Spell: Dispel Magic (PHB pg. 234)
Yula Timber has always had an adverse reaction to magically-infused items. They just seem to stop working around her. King Jun, a canny and divisive leader, saw the potential in this. He keeps Yula close by, in order to prevent magical assassins from killing him. However, the King’s health has recently taken a turn for the worse, and the royal doctor is recommending a healing amulet to prevent further degradation.This has left Yula out of work, and she needs assistance in finding a new job or finding someone to heal the King without using a magic item.

Kunil Bania
Spell: Elemental Weapon (PHB pg. 237)
The Knightly Order of Eylance is known in the land of Nanta for their virtue and chivalry. They recently accepted a new member into their ranks, a stout-hearted young man named Kunil Bania. He’s doing marvelously in combat and is quite virtuous, but his signature weapon is a fiery whip. Rumors are circulating about a Knight who uses a whip taken from demons, and the Order of Eylance is looking for someone to take Kunil on a quest to prove the rumors incorrect.

Ishi Eusebia
Spell: Enemies Abound (XGtE pg. 155)
Ishi Eusebia is a leader of the revolutionary forces in Aexesea. She fights against the oppressive nobility by discreetly drawing near them, activating her magic, then watching as they take care of themselves by fighting their allies. So far, she's taken down several barons and counts, but the war is escalating and she needs to shoot for the ultimate prize: King Hakon. She'll need the assistance of an elite squad to infiltrate the royal courts.

Any dwarf worth his salt has an extensive knowledge of beard-care produects
Spell: Erupting Earth (XGtE pg. 155)
Far underground, the clan of the Grigho Molefolk make their peaceful lives in the darkness. Their leader, Pebblefoot, is a powerful digger who uses his magic to create tunnels and defend their homes against monsters and Invaders. But recently, it came to light that some of the Molefolk were worshiping the evil God of Dark, Kynos. Pebblefoot needs help rooting out those who would threaten the tribe, while dealing with the undead that are now plaguing their homes.

Saravadri Hiradiga
Spell: Fear (PHB pg. 239)
Saravadri Hiradiga is a well-respected magistrate in the kingdom of Esken. She has several court duties, but her most notorious task is proctoring the Trials of the Protector, a test for young squires to obtain Knighthood. She forces them to face their worst fears, and only the wisest and purest of heart can withstand it. But recently, Saravadri suspects that some of the squires have been cheating on the test, using magic to bolster their resilience. She needs someone to talk to the young soldiers and see if they really are deceiving her.

Joku Bluepeak
Spell: Feign Death (PHB pg. 240)
Long, long ago, Joku Bluepeak lives in the Empire of Astrox, ruled by the cruel king Medren. Joku had broken the law, and feared retribution, but he had one trick up his sleeve: he could pretend he was dead for incredibly long periods of time. His friends sealed him inside a coffin and he waited for his moment. Days stretched into years and his friends never came back to unseal him. Now, a group if explorers might be the first to discover the grave of this still very much alive person.

Humzem Flame Bow
Spell: Flame Arrows (XGtE pg. 156)
In the mountains of Laom, Swiftriver village knows that Orc attacks are a constant threat. But recently, a new chief was appointed to the local Orc tribe, known as Humzem Flame Bow. She enchants the arrows of the orcs to burn with unnatural flame, allowing them to attack the village's homes in the dead of winter. The town's leader, Zacharais Kirsk, needs help stopping the Orcish menace.

Kian Zama
Spell: Fireball (PHB pg. 241)
Kian Zama is a young boy who has been locked in a thick steel room ever since he was 3. This is because he has a terrible trait: he explodes when he is upset, harming everyone around himself but remaining curiously unburnt. He has little exposure to the outside world, and his parents fled when they realized the expense of keeping an exploding child under custody. The chief of the guard, Zagnor Farspell, would rather just kill the boy and be done with it, but nobody who enters the room survives. Zagnor needs help figuring out what to do with this dangerous young boy.

Meet my super-cool-Drow-Ranger-who-totally-isn't-Drizzt
Marceline Ramea
Spell: Fly (PHB pg. 243)
Since she came of age, Marceline Ramea has been regarded as a menace to civil society. Everyone she touches begins to slowly rise upwards, higher and higher, until they hit a roof or disappear from sight. Those unfortunate enough to grab a roof are forced to spend their lives on ceilings, limited to where they can climb or “jump”. In the city of Gangandar, this does afford a lot of leeway, but Marceline is still being pursued by the police for causing several passersby to fly upwards in a crowded market. Marceline believes it isn't her fault, and she needs help hiding from the authorities.

Kleophas Silentwind
Spell: Gaseous Form (PHB pg. 244)
Kleophas Silentwind is a thief in the city of Odelo, with a notorious power: he can turn into gas and slip through doors and windows. He's gained quite a reputation by only stealing valuable paintings, which he can roll up and carry away. But one of his former accomplices, Rirmo Sarsk, has tipped off the target of his next heist, and Kleophas has been forced to lay low. He's given up on getting the painting, but he needs some help getting revenge on Rirmo and getting out of town.

Karolra Wintermoon
Spell: Glyph of Warding (PHB pg. 245)
Cup-making is a good profession, but difficult to become famous in. That's because any style or innovation can be copied by any competitor. But Karolra Wintermoon has managed to find purchase with her new “collapsible cups”, rocketing her to cup-making stardom. She ensures her products can't be copied by putting her own special rune on the bottom of every cup. If the cup is ever handled by a rival cup-maker, it self-destructs. But a cup-making wizard named Sanborn Ursdro has been dispelling the runes and stealing her design, and now Karolra seeks legal recourse. Or someone to convince Sanborn to stop stealing her ideas.

Sikas Jemmu
Spell: Haste (PHB pg. 250)
Sikas Jemmu is a bounty hunter in the city of Solrise. He uses a combination of precision weaponry and magical speed to outpace his targets and attack them relentlessly. But he's come up against a target that can generate magical force fields, meaning his speed is useless. He needs someone to take that shield down, even if for a second.

Mozi Vasquso
Spell: Hunger of Hadar (PHB pg. 251)
The Cult of Ybtarr worships it's namesake, a terrible eldritch abomination from beyond the edges of reality. They believe that mortal life is ultimately futile, and those who can truly separate themselves from their worldly ties and desires will be accepted into the void and granted a true purpose by Ybtarr. Their leader, Mozi Vasquso is a dour woman who facilitates this passage through an inky void. But recently, a surge of nationalism among the people of Ansai has ruined her membership numbers. People just care too much. She needs help finding new allies, before her following leaves her entirely.

Artists gotta art
Zon Ono
Spell: Hypnotic Pattern (PHB pg. 252)
Zon Ono is the most famed “artist” in Calhardo. He is sought after widely for his “living sculptures”, which involve the hypnosis and rearranging of random people who pass by his work space. The poses are interesting and evocative, but he's quite unpopular with those who are unwilling participants in his work. Zon claims to only see a person's artistic potential, not their desire to avoid being flopped on a pile of other people in a visually appealing manner. The local museum curator, Aysche Nunthak, needs help convincing King Calhoun that bringing Zon to the museum is a harmless endeavor. However, protests among the civilians have already begun.

Tamia Lionsbane
Spell: Leomund's Tiny Hut (PHB pg. 255)
Known around the world as The Mapper, Tamia Lionsbane is one of the most famed explorers and cartographers of this age. She camps anywhere in her trusty hut, enduring terrible storms and awful predators to chart the world's least-traveled regions. There are many whose lives have been saved by her work, but her bitter rival, Jaromil Sizonze isn't one of them. In fact, he resents her ability to travel anywhere she likes, and has taken to stealing her maps and selling them as his own. Tamia doesn't particularly care, since she lives off the land, but her supporters are trying to oust the nefarious Jaromil. They need someone with the skills or knowledge to do so.

Dr. Tunur Corasti
Spell: Life Transference (XGtE pg. 160)
In the city of Tarzumunein, the strong are not asked to fight wars or lift crates. Rather, they are told to go to Dr. Corasti’s Clinic, where Dr. Corasti takes their life force and transfers it to the sick and wounded. He is well-known and loves in the city, and giving a few years off your life to save a dying person has become something of an honor among the citizenry. But recently, the Prince of Tarzumunein was knocked over in the street, and his arm was broken. Dr. Corasti’s Clinic was nearby, and the Prince was rushed there. They were just about to start the transfusion when the Prince declared he wouldn't accept the life force of a commoner, who was about to give it to him. Dr. Corasti’s reputation is on the line, and he needs someone to sort this situation out.

Kihni Dandakt
Spell: Lightning Arrow (PHB pg. 255)
It is said that Kihni Dandakt is undefeatable in combat, and it's easy to see why. She fights unarmed, and with a touch she can turn her opponent's weapons, armor, and even limbs into harmless flashes of light. After winning countless battles in the Shasata Arena, she became a handler for the most dangerous monsters they pitted against fighters. But a recent capture lead to the Arena obtaining a water elemental, which her powers are ineffective against. She needs someone who can corral the thing for the next big monster match up.

Zarth Runebreaker
Spell: Lightning Bolt (PHB pg. 255)
The Dark Lord Zarth Runebreaker sits on his mountain top, overlooking the city of Nijehr. He has a scrying orb that allows him to see those who blaspheme him, and he uses his lightning to smite those who oppose him. The townsfolk are ready to revolt, but need someone who could actually defeat the Dark Lord and evade his scrying.

A much better Drow concept
Ruaku Zakiraya
Spell: Magic Circle (PHB pg. 256)
Though their real name is Ruaku Zakiraya, they are known as the Collector. They gather strange fiends, tortured celestials, and other odd creatures from their team of well-paid adventurers, and sell them at high prices. They don't ask their clients what fate awaits their prisoners, nor do they wish to know. But recently, rumors have been circulating about a strange monster living in the hills near Amnos. The Collector is interested, but their lackeys are a bit weak to capture such a creature. They want it here. Alive.

Adelisa Nikesh
Spell: Major Image (PHB pg. 258)
Life was never good enough for Adelisa Nikesh. When she came of age, she filled her Noble Manor with illusory images, furniture, creatures and accouterments. Adelisa began to treat her illusions as reality, spending more time talking with her own images than with real people. Her family is quite worried that she is losing touch with the real world, both socially and mentally. They are looking for someone to rescue their daughter from herself.

Nilom Chalan
Spell: Mass Healing Word (PHB pg. 258)
The Covingdall Prison is known for their caring, humane methods for rehabilitating prisoners. These ideas are exemplified by the Chief Warden, Nilom Chalan. He can heal with a word, and prefers a soft approach to justice. But Covingdall Prison was just sent one of the most notoriously brutal killers in the country, Alem Dema, and they aren't well-equipped to handle his outbursts. Nilom is looking for someone to help them out for a few weeks while they acclimate Alem to his new home.

Vaeri Raiio
Spell: Meld into Stone (PHB pg. 259)
About a decade ago, Vaeri Raiio was known as the best thief in the business, able to slip in and out of anywhere and steal anything. However, she was planning on performing one of her heists on the castle of Duke Sindra when she vanished mysteriously. Rumors spread that she had failed the job, but the truth was that she hadn't known about some construction going on in the castle that night. The stone she hid in was cut away and sealed in other stone, trapping her. Now, a new Duke, Lord Rolwok, has taken over the castle, and he has accidentally released Vaeri. She has appeared in the middle of the castle and needs help escaping her botched heist.

Ingot Jasperson
Spell: Melf's Minute Meteors (XGtE pg. 161)
Ingot Jasperson always knew the origins of his birth: his father was a Dao, a genie of Elemental Earth. But even his father was surprised when small rocks were drawn to Ingot, floating around his head and behaving like small pets. Ingot loves his stony friends, but they often attack those who upset him. He desperately wants to protect his friends, as well as the people around him.

The Mantis
Spell: Nondetection (PHB pg. 263)
The Library of Sgnihtynam is guarded by hundreds of Scrying sensors, spectral guardians, and traps that Dispel Magic of any unauthorized entrants. Which is why Curator Adimus Loraine is completely stumped as to how a rare book, Madame Formantia’s Mystical and Mysterious Trees, was stolen. All that was left was a note marked with a symbol of a Mantis. Curator Loraine needs help finding the one who left this note and ran off with his library's valuable knowledge!

Kozal Heduko
Spell: Phantom Steed (PHB pg. 265)
Kozal Heduko is a messenger for the Oostett Army. He uses his spectral mount to travel great distances, and deliver warnings and information with alarming speed. Among the generals of the army, he is quietly considered the reason for the army's survival. But Kozal is getting bored with running messages back and forth, no matter how important they say it is. He is looking for a new job, one that involves fighting, and he needs some training.

Dwarves make fine wizards, don't let their stats tell you otherwise
Nynette Marrow
Spell: Plant Growth (PHB pg. 266)
Rumors always follow Nynette Marrow, a salt merchant in the Daskines Lands. It's said that those who buy her salt are blessed with a bountiful harvest, and those who turn her away come to ruin. Recently, the rumors have been so pervasive that people think she is truly cursed, and they don't want to buy from her. But when the rumor turns out to be true, they feel more inclined to go along with the merchant and say nothing. The small town of Elderglen fears for their crops, and needs help ridding themselves of Nynette.

Sonam Nyima
Spell: Protection from Energy (PHB pg. 270)
Lukhangwa is the most prestigious monastery for training Monks in the Way of the Four Elements. Here, monk masters impart the techniques of harnessing earth, air, water, and fire into powerful combat tools. But the trainees don’t always get it right the first time, and that’s why Sonam Nyima was chosen as groundskeeper to the monastery. He is naturally impervious to the fiery blasts, icy shards, and lightning bolts of the monks, making him the perfect candidate for cleaning up after them. But though he is treated well and loves being at the monastery, Sonam has no talent for the Elemental Arts whatsoever. He’s convinced this is just because he hasn’t found the right teacher, and is looking for someone to train him properly.

Amelie Truethorn
Spell: Remove Curse (PHB pg. 271)
Amelie Truethorn is a healer with a powerful specialty. She is hired to break the curses of witches, devils, evil magic items, or even curses spread by bloodlines. Her home, a hut in the forest of Mythfall, has all manner of implements for curse-breaking, such as holy herbs and soul-dolls to transfer the curses onto. But recently, Baron Mazin of the nearby Castle Hollowtree became cursed by a powerful witch, too powerful for Amelie to counteract. She’s looking for a group of explorers or warriors to accompany her on a journey to find the cure for the terrible curse of the Baron. The details of the curse are far too embarrassing to speak aloud.

Rhys Hillsworn
Spell: Revivify (PHB pg. 272)
Over the course of his long life, Rhys Hillsworn was a well-respected warrior who was thought to have an endurance beyond what even the ancient demigod heroes could match. This was only partly true. Rhys has died several times in his life, but each time he has been brought back from the other side by some unknown force. His ability to fight on was more a result of this power than any natural endurance, though over his long fighting career he became an accomplished swordsman. But now, despite his heroic status, he is beginning to fear that he might never die. His old wounds, missing fingers and chunks of flesh, never fully healed after his resurrections, and he believes he could truly die if he were cleanly decapitated. To kill an innocent man would be a crime, and to kill a hero would be social suicide, so he can’t seem to find anyone willing to do it.

Cerys Aslett
Spell: Sending (PHB pg. 274)
All her life, Cerys Aslett had a deep connection to her mother Seline. It was more that just a maternal bond - they could send messages to each other psychically, no matter where they were. They were never truly separated, and their love for each other was strong and pure. That is, until Seline died. Cerys was grieving the loss of her mother when she received another message, from beyond the border of death itself. Her mother was still reaching out to her. Cerys, dealing with the loss of her closest confidant, believes she has gone insane and is looking for help severing the link so she can accept her mother’s death.

Nizo Copas
Spell: Sleet Storm (PHB pg. 276)
The small village of Cragglen was once the home of Nizo Copas, a boy with uncontrollable ice powers. Not a year ago, his powers began to manifest in times of sadness, starting as simple shivers but escalating up to a full blizzard. He ruined the crops for the year, and the village voted to have him exiled. He’s been wandering ever since, looking for something to help him control his powers, or at least make him feel happier.

Alva Devereux
Spell: Slow (PHB pg. 277)
Alva Devereux is a skilled fighter, with a fantastic trick up her sleeve. When she gets into a fight, time seems to slow to a crawl around her, allowing her to perform incredible feats such as dodging arrows and grabbing her opponent’s attacks. She loves the challenge of fighting, and though she doesn’t always win, her performances in the Jade Ox Arena always draw crowds. However, she is in love with a person who never visits the arena: Edwin Redvers, a noble who abhors fighting. Alva needs help getting her act together and showing Edwin that there’s more to her than just fighting skills.

Cyril Millikan
Spell: Speak with Dead (PHB pg. 277)
Cyril Millikan is a gravedigger in the City of Bolgal Kur. He is also the best source of rumors, hidden information, and family secrets in the city, due to his ability to speak to those beyond death. It all began with simply learning the stories of the dead, as a way to help him understand his own life better. But after getting his pay cut by the city council, he began to profit off selling the information he found. Cyril was turning quite the profit when he was caught, and is now on the run for practicing necromantic magic. He knows enough information to pay whoever can help him escape the city.

Aoki Momo
Spell: Speak with Plants (PHB pg. 277)
In the Shaban Forest, every plant answers to Amzi Rowan, an archdruid with a strong dislike for outsiders. They tell him who passes through the forest, and often he confronts the intruders and scares them off with druidic magic. But Aoki Momo, a young maiden from the nearby town of Damraong, wishes to befriend the grumpy old druid, starting with his beloved plants. She needs protection form the dangers of the forest while she convinces the trees that she is a good person.

This art is really good. Check it out!
Kiara Botros
Spell: Spirit Guardians (PHB pg. 278)
Since she was a child, spectral shapes surrounded Kiara Botros. Her parents were patient but worried, and when the shapes finally coalesced into the shape of fiends, they turned their daughter over to the Church of Aion. The priests raised the girl to hate her evil powers, but she never was able to extinguish the fiendish specters. She was unable to feel the warmth of another creature. The Church began to use her to remove their enemies, teaching her to sneak into homes and use her spirits to tear them limb from limb.  She complied with every request. That is, until she met Talim, an Aasimar boy who could come close to her without harm. Being half-angel is blasphemous to the Church of Aion, and when they discovered Kiara’s friend, they ordered him killed by her. She couldn’t, and now the pair need help escaping the wrath of the spurned church.

Eleazar Gale
Spell: Stinking Cloud (PHB pg. 278)
Eleazar Gale is a flatulist, a man who has excellent control over the gas he passes. But not only can he master the volume and length of his emissions, he can control the smell as well. With a well-placed toot he can clear a room, which is precisely when he begins his secondary job: stealing whatever people left behind in the stampede to flee his gas. He has gotten quite a reputation, and is now being hired for clearing out an entire museum to steal a rare artifact, The Monolith of Nightmares. He needs a crew to help him haul the massive artifact out of the building after he’s done his work. Cloth masks and nose clips will be provided.

Lilah Henley
Spell: Summon Lesser Demon (XGtE pg. 167)
Aldoz and Galfen are a pair of mischievous Quasits, small demons with the ability to turn invisible. They are the friends and guardians of Lilah Henley, a young girl who wishes the pair would just leave her alone. They play “pranks” on anyone who crosses her, often with grisly results. At first Lilah enjoyed the protection given by these unusually friendly demons, but after the horrific death of her parents, she is looking for someone to exorcise them. She doesn’t have any money, however, leaving her request unfulfilled.

Dalmus Barnur
Spell: Thunder Step (XGtE pg. 168)
Dalmus Barnur, a dwarven man of stout proportions, is a Mountain Jumper, or as other Dwarves call it, “Suicidal”. He builds gliding contraptions, climbs to the top of mountains, teleports off with a bang, and glides down to the bottom. He’s quite sturdy, but has suffered may wounds over the years and can’t run like he used to. On his last jump, his concussive blast disturbed a family of mountain trolls, who managed to follow him all the way down. Now, he’s on the run, and could use some help right now!

Latoya Seddon
Spell: Tidal Wave (XGtE pg. 168)
The pirate ship Chiormai is famous for running without sails, in any winds. That’s because its captain, Latoya Seddon, can create propelling waves of water behind her ship, moving forward without relying on the weather. Their maneuverability is unmatched, and they crush enemy ships and villages alike without mercy. But Latoya has found a small village known as Liessoix, which contains a powerful treasure sealed in a magical vault. The village chief, Lorenz Kandel, won’t tell the vault’s command word no matter how many waves pummel the village, and both sides are looking for assistance to end this stalemate.

Finn Ishier
Spell: Tiny Servant (XGtE pg. 168)
Finn Ishier is an assassin known for his ability to murder anyone, the richer they are, they easier the job. He simply animates their cutlery or jewelry, resulting in a terrifying display as the noble’s precious objects slay their owner. But recently, a revolutionary movement in the undercity of Inneste has caused Constantine Wolf, dubbed the “Pauper King”, to rise to power among the city’s beggars. Finn has been hired to kill this rebel, but the man doesn’t keep any valuables or sharp object nearby. The assassin is humbling himself and asking for help for the first time in his life.

Ruma Singer
Spell: Tongues (PHB pg. 283)
Thanks to her abilities, Ruma Singer works as the royal interpreter for King Ashor. Most visiting dignitaries believe she is like any other interpreter, simply well-versed in the language they speak by means of study. But in truth, Ruma can understand any language and speak it back to anyone. Thus, she found herself in a position to overhear one of the King’s allies, an envoy from the nation of Belgar, discussing plans of betrayal. But King Ashor is doubtful, and Ruma needs help finding proof of this imminent backstabbing.

Joras Ward
Spell: Vampiric Touch (PHB pg. 285)
Joras Ward has never been able to touch those around him without draining some of their power for himself. His family has been patient and caring, particularly his father Jonam. But the sense of superiority caused by his powers never faded, and soon Joras was leading a small cult devoted to his mystical powers. Jonam misses his son, and fears the worst. He is looking for someone to turn him back from the side of evil.

Next time, we'll finally get to the fourth-level spells. Hooray!

Thanks for reading!