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Much like a lich, Acererak just doesn't ever die in D&D |
As usual, you can find the full index of creature loot here, and the entire Monster Manual in PDF form here.
Acererak (23) - undead (religion)
- 1 Staff of the Forgotten One (Tomb of Annihilation pg. 208)
- 1 Talisman of the Sphere (DMG pg. 207)
- 1 Sphere of Annihilation (DMG pg. 201)
- 1 Skull of Acererak: Requires attunement. Can be used as an arcane focus and grants an attuned creature resistance to cold, lightning, necrotic, and poison damage. After 1d10 days, the skull reforms into Acererak with full Hp and abilities. If the Phylactery is destroyed, this item crumbles into useless dust.
- 1 Clue to the Phylactery: This item is a clue to Acererak's phylactery's true location.
- 2d6 Bones of the Lich: No immediate use. Can be carefully crafted by a spellcaster (Necromancy) into a Potion of Turn Resistance (an undead creature who consumes or is doused in this potion gains advantage on saving throws against effects that turn undead for 1 hour).
- 1 Left Hand of Acererak: Acts as an improvised melee weapon. On a hit, a target takes 10 (3d6) cold damage and must succeed on a DC 20 Constitution saving throw or be paralyzed for 1 minute. The creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. If the creature's saving throw is successful or the effect ends for it, the creature is immune to this effect for the next 24 hours.
- 1 Tome of Darkness: Incomprehensible to those who are not Wizards. A month of study will yield a method to become a Lich. This allows a wizard to create or obtain a Phylactery and a Potion of Transformation. Additionally, the method requires the ability to cast Imprisonment to transfer the Wizard's soul into the Phylactery. A PC that is turned into a Lich becomes an Evil NPC under the DM's control. The details of the ritual will vary from book to book, but may involve any of the following:
- Forming a pact with a Fiend, Evil God, or Dark Power
- Ritual Sacrifice or Murder
- Using Material Components gained only by killing Celestials
- Being a master (14th level or higher) in the School of Necromancy
- 1 Spellcasting Component Pouch
- 1 Arcane Focus
- 3 Uncommon Magic Items: Chosen by the DM. Acererak keeps these curiosities to study, not to use, and they do not affect Acererak's CR.
- 2 Rare Magic Items: Chosen by the DM. Acererak keeps these curiosities to study, not to use, and they do not affect Acererak's CR.
- 1 Spellbook: Contains 4 random spells of 5th level or lower that can be copied by a wizard.
- 4d4 Skill Books: Contains knowledge concerning a certain skill and topic that Acererak was interested in. For example: History (Gods of the Dead). Using the book for 5 minutes is equivalent to rolling a 15 on the related skill.
- 2 Flasks of Alchemist's Fire
Albino Dwarf (1/4) - humanoid (survival)
- 1 Tattered Handaxe
- 1d2 Warrior's Marks: A scrap of skin with a tattoo on it that can be used to prove the identity of a foe.
Aldani (1) - monstrosity (nature)
- 1 Aldani Carapace: Acts as a shield. Can be carefully crafted (smith's tools) into a set of Half-Plate armor.
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AKA that thing the girls in your group are now obsessed with |
- 1 Almiraj Horn: Acts as a dagger.
Artus Cimber (7) - humanoid (survival)
- 1 Bookmark (ToA pg. 206)
- 1 Ring of Winter (ToA pg. 207)
- 1 Tattered Set of Studded Leather Armor
- 1 Tattered Longbow
- 1 Journal: Details parts of Artus's life and hints at others. His motivations can easily be discerned by studying its pages for an hour. For more detailed information, a Wisdom (Insight) check of 15 or higher is required.
- 1 Warrior's Mark: A section of skin tattooed with the names "Byrt" and "Lugg", can be used to identify Artus's body
- 3d4 Trinkets: Items found in Artus's travels. See PHB pg. 160.
Assassin Vine (3) - plant (nature)
- 2d4 Lengths of Vine: Acts as a 20 foot length of rope.
- 1d4 Bunches of Assassin Vine Fruit: Tough, with a hearty but bitter flavor. If planted and watered, grows into an Assassin Vine in 3d4 weeks.
Atropal (13) - undead (religion)
- 1 Negative Energy Tether: This item can only be looted if the Atropal was killed without severing its umbilical cord. Creatures within 30 feet of the Negative Energy Tether can't regain hit points, and any creature that starts its turn within 30 feet of the Tether takes 10 (3d6) necrotic damage. Can be mastercrafted by a spellcaster (conjuration) into a portal to the Negative Plane. The portal retains the properties of the Negative Energy Tether, except their range increases to 60 feet, and the necrotic damage increases to 21 (6d6). A creature can use the portal to enter the Negative Plane.
- 2d4 Atropal Fingers: Acts as a club that deals 3d6 necrotic damage on a hit. If a creature or object made of organic material is in contact with the finger, it takes 10 (3d6) necrotic damage at the start of its turn or at initiative count 20 (for objects). If a creature wielding the finger rolls a critical miss on their attack roll, they take 10 (3d6) necrotic damage.
- 3d4 Vials of Stinking Ichor: No immediate use. Can be mastercrafted by a spellcaster (Necromancy) into a Poison of Undeath. A creature that imbibes the poison must succeed on a DC 19 Constitution saving throw or take 36 (8d8) necrotic damage. If this damage reduces the creature to 0 hit points, it dies and immediately rises as a zombie. The zombie is not controlled by anyone and acts as a normal zombie would.
- 2 Atropal Eyes: As an action, a creature that can cast spells can destroy the eye to cast Cone of Cold. Can be mastercrafted by a spellcaster (Transmutation) into a Staff of Frost.
- 1 Heart of an Unborn God: Requires attunement. A creature attuned to the heart has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effect, except those originating from the Heart. As an action, the attuned creature can summon a wraith, which materializes within 30 feet of the heart in an unoccupied space the attuned creature can see. The wraith obeys the attuned creature's commands and can't be controlled by any other creature. The wraith vanishes when it drops to 0 hit points, the attunement ends, or the attuned creature dies. Once this ability has been used, it cannot be used again until the next dawn. Curse. Each day at dawn, and whenever a wraith is summoned using the heart, the attuned creature must succeed on a DC 19 Constitution saving throw or gain 1 level of exhaustion. The attuned creature does not lower their level of exhaustion on a long rest as long as the attunement remains.
- 2d4 Chunks of Flesh of an Unborn God: If consumed as an action, increases the apparent age of a humanoid by 3d10 years, to a maximum of the creature's natural lifespan. This effect doesn’t shorten the creature’s lifespan. For the remainder of the creature’s mortal life, their emotions manifest as slight unearthly effect (similar to the Thaumaturgy spell) in a 5-foot cube they occupy. This imposes disadvantage on Charisma (Deception) checks if the creature is emotionally invested in the topic of deception.
- 2 Atropal Skin: Acts as a blanket. Can be carefully crafted (leatherworker's tools) into Hide Armor. A creature wearing the armor gains resistance to cold and necrotic damage, and bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage from nonmagical attacks. If the creature is dealt radiant damage, the armor crumbles into dust.
Bodak (Volos)
Brontosaurus (Volos)
Champion (Volos)
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Good art is hard to find... |
- 1 Chwinga Mask: As an action, can be crushed to cast Druidcraft. A Chwinga or Chultan that witnesses this action will consider it highly offensive.
Deinonychus (Volos)
Dimetrodon (Volos)
Dragonbait (5) - humanoid (survival)
- 1 Holy Avenger (DMG pg. 174)
- 2 Saurian Scent Glands: Can be squeezed to produce a random smell, determined by the DM. This destroys the Scent Gland. Can be carefully crafted by a spellcaster (evocation) into an Amulet of Scent, which requires attunement. An attuned creature can use an action to cause the amulet to emit a certain scent. This scent overpowers any scent the creature would normally give off.
- 1d4 Admirer's Tokens: A trinket from a person who wished to thank Dragonbait for his service.
- 1 Shield of Glory: Acts as a shield. Displays the symbol of a wealthy patron or lord who Dragonbait serves, and grants advantage on Charisma (Deception) checks made to convince others that the owner of the shield is associated with the symbol's owner.
Eblis (1) - monstrosity (nature)
- 1d4 Eblis Feathers: No immediate use. Can be crafted (calligrapher's supplies) into a pen, or carefully crafted (woodcarver’s tools) into 2 arrows.
- 1 Elbis Beak: Acts as an arcane focus for illusion spells. A wizard can use an action to cast Hypnotic Pattern from the beak. Once this feature has been used, it can't be used again until the next dawn.
Firenewt Warrior (Volos)
Firenewt Warlock of Imix (Volos)
Flail Snail (Volos)
Flying Monkey (0) - beast (nature)
- 1d4 Flying Monkey Feathers: No immediate use. Can be crafted (calligrapher's supplies) into a pen, or carefully crafted (woodcarver’s tools) into 2 arrows.
Froghemoth (Volos)
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- 3d2 Motes of Evil Elemental Earth: Appears as a rock that glows dimly. If dropped or thrown to the ground as an improvised weapon, the ground becomes mud as if it had cast Grease centered on the mote. Can be used as the material component of a Commune spell to contact Ogremoch, Prince of Evil Elemental Earth. Using either of these abilities destroys the mote.
- 1 Heart of Stone: Identical to a Mote of Elemental Earth, and can be used for the same purposes. In addition to its other properties, it can be mastercrafted (conjuration) by a spellcaster into a portal to the Elemental Plane of Earth. The portal is stationary in the location it is crafted.
- 3 Vial of Crystalline Powder: Appears to be normal soil, can be detected by magic or if a search is performed to look for a patch of soil that shifts like a liquid. Can be used as the material component of a Conjure Elemental spell, which has its casting time reduced to 1 action but can only summon Earth Elementals.
- 2d2 Gargoyle Wings: No immediate use. 10 of these can be mastercrafted (mason’s tools) into a cloak that requires attunement. An attuned creature has resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage from nonmagical weapons that aren’t adamantine. Curse: while attuned to the cloak, the creature is weighed down heavily. They suffer no penalty if they remove all their armor, however, while they are wearing armor their speed is halved, and they have disadvantage on attack rolls and Dexterity saving throws. Additionally, attacks made against them have advantage while they wear armor.
- 1 Sigil of Acererak: No immediate use. Can be mastercrafted by a spellcaster (Transmutation) into a Four-Armed Gargoyle that serves its creator but retains its alignment. The crafting requires an additional 80,000 gp of rare minerals and magical components.
Giant Snapping Turtle (3) - beast (nature)
- 1 Giant Snapping Turtle Shell: Acts as a shield. Can be carefully crafted (smith's tools) into Splint armor.
- 1 Giant Snapping Turtle Jaw: Acts as a pair of handaxes. Together, can be crafted (smith's tools) into a greataxe.
- 1 Turtle Tail: No immediate use. Can be infused with magic (no crafting required) into an arcane focus by a Warlock.
Giant Strider (Volos)
Girallon (Volos)
Grung (Volos)
Grung Elite Warrior (Volos)
Grung Wilding (Volos)
Hadrosaurus (Volos)
Jaculi (1/2) - beast (nature)
- 1 Jaculi Hide: No immediate use. Can be crafted (leatherworker’s tools) into a pouch or carefully crafted (leatherworker’s tools) into a water skin. 3 of these can be mastercrafted (leatherworker's Tools) into Glamoured Studded Leather Armor.
Yeah, that's right. There's too much here for a single week. Looks like we've got another week of Creature Loot ahead of us.
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We already did Artus but I just want to say this guy is a dead ringer for Nicolas Cage |
Thanks for reading!
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