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Today on Creature Loot: monsters that players will ask you if they can play |
Firenewt Warrior (1/2) - humanoid (survival)
- 1 Tattered Scimitar
- 1 Tattered Chain Shirt
- 1 Tattered Shield
- 1 Firenewt Fire Gland: As an action, a creature can squeeze the Fire Gland through a torch or other open flame. The liquid inside ignites as it passes through the flame, targeting a creature within 10 feet of the gland. The target must make a DC 11 Dexterity saving throw, taking 9 (2d8) fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. This property can be used once before the Fire Gland dries up.
Giant Strider (1) - monstrosity (nature)
- 1 Giant Strider Fire Sac: As an action, a creature can light the Fire Sac with a torch or other open flame, and throw it at a point within 60 feet. When it hit the ground, the sac bursts, spreading fire within a 10-foot radius. Each creature in the area must make a DC 12 Dexterity saving throw, taking 14 (4d6) fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. The fire spreads around corners, and it ignites flammable objects in the area that aren't being worn or carried. Using the Fire Sac in this way destroys it.
Firenewt Warlock of Imix (1) - humanoid (survival)
- 1 Tattered Morningstar
- 1 Firenewt Fire Gland: As an action, a creature can squeeze the Fire Gland through a torch or other open flame. The liquid inside ignites as it passes through the flame, targeting a creature within 10 feet of the gland. The target must make a DC 11 Dexterity saving throw, taking 9 (2d8) fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. This property can be used once before the Fire Gland dries up.
- 1 Staff of Imix: Requires attunement. The staff has 3 charges. A creature attuned to the staff can use it as an Arcane Focus, and can expend 1 charge to cast Burning Hands (Save DC 12) from the staff. The staff regains 1d4-1 charges each day at dawn. Curse. While a creature is attuned to the staff, they must make a DC 12 Charisma saving throw at the end of each long rest and when they expend a charge from the staff. This saving throw is rolled with disadvantage if made due to a charge being expended. On a failed save, an Aspect of Imix (using the stats of a Fire Elemental) appears to the attuned creature, offering fiery power in exchange for servitude. If Imix is turned down, he becomes an enemy of the creature for the rest of their mortal life. If his offer is accepted, the character's next level must be a level in the Warlock Class, using the Fiend Patron subclass.
Flail Snail (3) - elemental (arcana)
- 1 Flail Snail Shell: No immediate use. Can be mastercrafted (smith's tools) into 3 Antimagic Shields. The Shields are under the effect of an Antimagic Shell spell for 30 days. Once the time passes, they become mundane shields, though they can be further mastercrafted by a spellcaster (abjuration) into a beautiful Spellguard Shield. Can also be mastercrafted (weaver's tools) into a Robe of Scintillating Colors.
- 1d6-1 Flail Snail Eyestalks: Acts as a mace. Three of these can be carefully crafted (smith's tools) into a magic Flail +1.
- 1d4 Shards of Hardened Flail Snail Slime: Highly valuable, glass-like substance. A shard can be sold for 100gp.
Froghemoth (10) - monstrosity (nature)
- 1 Froghemoth Hide: Acts as a blanket. Can be carefully crafted (smith's tools) into Studded Leather Armor or Scale Mail that requires attunement. An attuned creature gains resistance to fire and lightning damage, but if the creature takes lightning damage, it acts as if under the effects of a Slow spell until the end of its next turn.
- 2d2 Froghemoth Tentacles: Acts as a whip that deals 1d8 damage on a hit and has the heavy property.
- 1 Froghemoth Tongue: Acts as a whip with a range of 30 feet. On a hit, the target is grappled and must make a DC 18 strength saving throw. On a failed save, the attacker can choose to pull the target into an unoccupied space within 5 feet of them.
- 3 Froghemoth Eyes: No Immediate use. Can be crafted (alchemist's supplies) into a Potion of Darkvision (grants Darkvision out to 60 feet for 1 hour).
- 1 Froghemoth Stomach: Acts as a tent that is immune to acid damage. Can be carefully crafted (leatherworker's tools) into a cloak that grants resistance to acid damage to a creature wearing it.
- 2d4 Vials of Froghemoth Slime: Acts as Oil of Slipperiness
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Dual-wielding shields?! Players will want that. |
- 1 Tattered Morningstar: 2 times the size of a normal morningstar and 8 times the weight.
- 1 Pouch of Gold: Contains 2d6 x 100 GP.
- 1 Set of Fine Robes: Worth 1,000 GP.
- 2d4 Giant’s Toes: No immediate use. Sought as trophies by hunters and heroes, and can be sold for a good price to collectors or admirers.
- 1 Cloud Giant Heart: No immediate use. Can be carefully crafted (alchemist’s supplies) into a Potion of Cloud Giant Strength.
- 1 Smiling Giant Mask: Requires attunement. An attuned creature can use the mask to cast Disguise Self at will. They can also use an action to cast Polymorph, targeting themselves only. Once the spell has been cast, the mask cannot cast Polymorph again until the next dawn.
- 1 Holy Symbol of Memnor: Can be used as a Holy Symbol by clerics of Memnor. Cloud Giants who see a creature bearing this object are less trusting of the creature, giving it disadvantage on Charisma checks made to influence the giant.
Fire Giant Dreadnought (14) - giant (survival)
- 4d4 Items in a Giant's Bag.
- 2 Sets of Smith’s Tools: 2 times the size and 8 times the weight of a normal set.
- 1 Set of Fire Giant Plate Armor: Acts as 8 sets of Tattered Plate Armor.
- 2d4 Giant’s Toes: No immediate use. Sought as trophies by hunters and heroes, and can be sold for a good price to collectors or admirers.
- 1 Fire Giant Heart: No immediate use. Can be carefully crafted (alchemist’s supplies) into a Potion of Fire Giant Strength.
- 2 Spiked Giant Shields: 2 times the size and 8 times the weight of a normal shield. A creature with a Strength Score of 20 or higher can wield the shield with two hands. In addition to the normal benefits of a shield, the creature can use their action to make a single special melee attack. On a hit, the shield deals 2d6 bludgeoning damage, 1d6 piercing damage, and 1d6 fire damage. If the creature has the Extra Attack feature, they cannot benefit from it while attacking with the shield in this way.
- 1 Pair of Fire Giant Greaves: 2 times the size and 8 times the weight of a normal set. Together, the pair can be mastercrafted (smith's tools) into a set of Plate Armor that requires attunement, and grants resistance to fire damage.
- 1 Fire Giant Dreadnought Helm: 2 times the size and 8 times the weight of a normal helm. Can be mastercrafted (smith's tools) into a set of Plate Armor that requires attunement, and grants resistance to fire damage.
Frost Giant Everlasting One (12) - giant (survival)
- 1 Tattered Greataxe: 2 times the size of a normal greataxe and 8 times the weight.
- 2d4 Tattered Armor Pieces: The DM selects various pieces of armor, weapons, or (for higher rank Frost Giants) dragon bones that make up the Giant’s armor.
- 2d4 Giant’s Toes: No immediate use. Sought as trophies by hunters and heroes, and can be sold for a good price to collectors or admirers.
- 1 Frost Giant Heart: No immediate use. Can be carefully crafted (alchemist’s supplies) into a Potion of Frost Giant Strength.
- 1d4-1 (minimum 1) Frost Giant Everlasting One Heads: While a head or item crafted from a head is held, the bearer has advantage on Charisma checks made to influence Frost Giants, and disadvantage on Charisma checks made to influence Trolls. A head can be carefully crafted (leatherworker's tools) into a helm or shield that requires attunement. An attuned creature gains +1 to AC (if the item is a shield, this is in addition to the normal +2). Curse. While attuned, the creature is ravenously hungry. Each day in the wilderness, they must consume four times the normal amount of rations to stay alive. Each day in a town requires 2 GP to support their eating habits. If they go one day without meeting this requirement, they immediately gain one level of exhaustion and begin starving (PHB pg. 185).
- 3d4 Hunks of Troll Meat: Can be consumed as rations. When eaten, the user must succeed on a DC 10 Constitution saving throw or become poisoned for 8 hours. If a creature eats two half-chunks instead of one full chunk, the remainder of the two chunks regrows into two full chunks in 24 hours. This property doesn’t work (and the Constitution saving throw isn’t required) if the meat is cooked or cured.
Mouth of Grolantor (6) - giant (survival)
- 1d4 Items in a Giant's Bag.
- 1d4 Giant’s Toes: No immediate use. Sought as trophies by hunters and heroes, and can be sold for a good price to collectors or admirers.
- 1 Hill Giant Heart: No immediate use. Can be carefully crafted (alchemist’s supplies) into a Potion of Hill Giant Strength.
- 1 Stomach of Grolantor: No immediate effect. Can be carefully crafted by a spellcaster (transmutation) into a Bag of Holding.
Stone Giant Dreamwalker (10) - giant (survival)
- 1 Tattered Greatclub: 2 times the size of a normal greatclub and 8 times the weight.
- 1d4 Artistic Stones: Worth 100 GP each due to the intricate sculpture.
- 2d4 Giant’s Toes: No immediate use. Sought as trophies by hunters and heroes, and can be sold for a good price to collectors or admirers.
- 1 Stone Giant Heart: No immediate use. Can be carefully crafted (alchemist’s supplies) into a Potion of Stone Giant Strength.
- 1 Hand of the Dreamwalker: Difficult to handle, must be carried within a stone container or by a stone creature. When the hand touches a non-stone creature or object, it begins to turn to stone. The radius of objects turned to stone increases by 5 feet each round up to a maximum radius of 30 feet. A creature within the area of stone at the start of its turn is affected by a Flesh to Stone (Save DC 17) spell. However, the creature cannot end the spell by successful saving throws as long as they are within the radius of stone. Objects and creatures that aren't in physical contact with the hand or stone created by the hand are immune to these effects. After the hand has been in one place for 1 hour, it and the area around it become nonmagical stone.
- 2 Eyes of the Dreamwalker: No immediate use. Can be carefully crafted by a spellcaster (Enchantment) into Eyes of Charming.
Storm Giant Quintessent (16) - giant (survival)
- 4d4 Items in a Giant's Bag.
- 1 Pouch of Gold: Contains 4d6 x 100 GP.
- 1 Set of Fine Robes: Worth 1,000 GP.
- 1 Set of Storm Giant Scale Mail: Acts as 27 sets of Tattered Scale Mail.
- 1d10 Beard Hairs of the Storm Giant: Can be used as the material component to any spell causing lightning or thunder damage. 5 of these can be mastercrafted (evocation) by a spellcaster into a Wand of Lightning Bolts.
- 1 Prophetic Totem: Appears to be a Crystal Ball, Mirror, or some other item used to seek omens and prophecies. Can be used as an arcane focus for Divination spells, and negates the need for material components costing up to 1,000 GP.
- 2d4 Giant’s Toes: No immediate use. Sought as trophies by hunters and heroes, and can be sold for a good price to collectors or admirers.
- 1 Storm Giant Heart: No immediate use. Can be carefully crafted (alchemist’s supplies) into a Potion of Storm Giant Strength.
- 1 Lightning Sword: Acts as a Flame Tongue greatsword that deals lightning damage instead of fire damage.
- 2 Motes of Elemental Air: Appears as a tiny puff of cloud. If held in the hand and blown upon, casts Fog Cloud centered on the mote. Can be used as the material component of a Commune spell to contact a deity in the Elemental Plane of Air. Using either of these abilities destroys the mote.
- 1 Heart of Wind: Identical to a Mote of Elemental Air, and can be used for the same purposes. In addition to its other properties, it can be mastercrafted (conjuration) by a spellcaster into a portal to the Elemental Plane of Air. The portal is stationary in the location it is crafted.
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Storm Giant + Storm Sorcerer = players will figure out how to make it work |
- 1 Girallon Hide: Acts as a trophy for hunters and trappers. Can be carefully crafted (leatherworker's tools) into two thick coats that grant resistance to cold damage when worn. In extreme heat (DMG pg. 110), a creature wearing the coat rolls Constitution saving throws to avoid exhaustion with disadvantage.
- 2d4 Girallon Fangs: Acts as a dagger.
- 1d4 Girallon Hands: No immediate use. Can be carefully crafted (smith's tools) into a grappling hook.
Flind (9) - humanoid (survival)
- 1 Tattered Set of Chain Mail
- 1 Heavy Skull of Madness: No immediate use. Can be crafted (smith's tools) into a magical flail. A creature hit by the flail must make a DC 16 Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, the creature must make a melee attack against a random target within its reach on its next turn. If it has no targets within its reach even after moving, it loses its action on that turn.
- 1 Heavy Skull of Pain: No immediate use. Can be crafted (smith's tools) into a magical flail. A creature hit by the flail takes an additional 18 (4d8) psychic damage.
- 1 Heavy Skull of Paralysis: No immediate use. Can be crafted (smith's tools) into a magical flail. A creature hit by the flail must succeed on a DC 16 Constitution saving throw or be paralyzed until the end of its next turn.
- 1d4 Gnawed Trinkets: Roll on the Trinket table. Any item found is chewed up and useless.
- 2 Days of Rations
- 2d4 Demonic Jewelry: No immediate use. Can be crafted (transmutation) by a spellcaster into valuable materials that can replace 10GP worth of material components in a conjuration spell.
- 1 Demon Heart: While holding the heart, it can be used to cast Plane Shift as a ritual. Only the creature holding the heart may shift. This consumes the heart. When the spell is cast, roll 1d20. On a 1, the bearer is shifted to Yeenoghu’s layer in the Abyss instead of the intended destination.
- 1 Flind Skull: Within 10 feet of the skull, creatures have advantage on Charisma (Intimidation) checks and disadvantage on all other Charisma checks. The skull can be attuned to. An attuned creature gains the benefit of a Sanctuary spell (DC 14) when a Gnoll attempts to harm it. A Gnoll that passes its saving throw is immune to this effect for 24 hours.
Gnoll Flesh Gnawer (1) - humanoid (survival)
- 1 Tattered Shortsword
- 1 Tattered Set of Studded Leather Armor
- 1d4 Gnawed Trinkets: Roll on the Trinket table. Any item found is chewed up and useless.
- 2 Days of Rations
Gnoll Hunter (1/2) - humanoid (survival)
- 1 Tattered Spear
- 1 Tattered Longbow
- 1 Tattered Set of Leather Armor
- 1d4 Gnawed Trinkets: Roll on the Trinket table. Any item found is chewed up and useless.
Gnoll Witherling (1/4) - undead (religion)
- 1 Tattered Club
- 2d4 Demonic Jewelry: No immediate use. Can be crafted (transmutation) by a spellcaster into valuable materials that can replace 10GP worth of material components in a conjuration spell.
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Need I say more...? |
- 1 Tattered Dagger
- 1 Vial of Grung Poison: Loses potency 1 minute after being exposed to air. Can be smeared on an object. A creature that touches the poison with their exposed skin must make a DC 12 Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, the creature is poisoned for 1 minute, and can repeat its saving throw on its turn to end the effect if it is no longer in contact with the poison.
Grung Elite Warrior (2) - humanoid (survival)
- 1 Tattered Dagger
- 1 Tattered Shortbow
- 1 Vial of Grung Poison: Loses potency 1 minute after being exposed to air. Can be smeared on an object. A creature that touches the poison with their exposed skin must make a DC 12 Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, the creature is poisoned for 1 minute, and can repeat its saving throw on its turn to end the effect if it is no longer in contact with the poison.
- 1 Grung Warrior Head: No immediate use. Can be carefully crafted (leatherworker's tools) into a horn that makes a mesmerizing chirring noise. Each non-Grung humanoid and beast within 15 feet of the horn when it is blown and that can hear the horn must succeed on a DC 12 Wisdom saving throw or be stunned until the end of their next turn.
Grung Wilding (1) - humanoid (survival)
- 1 Tattered Dagger
- 1 Tattered Shortbow
- 1 Vial of Grung Poison: Loses potency 1 minute after being exposed to air. Can be smeared on an object. A creature that touches the poison with their exposed skin must make a DC 12 Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, the creature is poisoned for 1 minute, and can repeat its saving throw on its turn to end the effect if it is no longer in contact with the poison.
- 1 Druidic Focus
Guard Drake (2) - dragon (nature)
- 2d10 Dragon Scales: No immediate use. 25 of these can be mastercrafted (smith's tools) into a shield that grants resistance to the type of damage related to the Guard Drake's color while in use.
By the way, if your players really won't shut up about their inability to play monster races, just send them here. Then, laugh as they choose to play a woefully underpowered race. Anyway, next time, a whole bunch of letters!
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Magical horses! |
Thanks for reading!
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