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Evil or charming? Why not both? |
As usual, don't forget to check out the index, get the PDFs of the previous creature loot articles, and let me know if you see any items that have typos or could be improved!
Drow Arachnomancer (13) - humanoid (survival)
- 1 Set of Drow Studded Leather: Becomes tattered when exposed to sunlight. After 8 hours in sunlight, it rusts away to nothing.
- 2d4 Vials of Drow Poison: Can be applied to a weapon or piece of ammunition as an action. A creature hit by the poisoned weapon or ammunition must make a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or be poisoned for 1 hour. If the saving throw fails by 5 or more, the target is also unconscious while poisoned in this way. The target wakes up if it takes damage or if another creature takes an action to shake it awake.
- 1d4 Healing Potions
- 1 Arcane Focus (decays in sunlight)
- 2d4 Books (useless, decay in sunlight)
- 1 Tome of Lolth: Requires attunement. The attuned creature can use a bonus action to magically Polymorph into a giant spider, as if it had cast the spell upon itself. Once used, this ability cannot be used again until the next dawn. Curse. While a creature is attuned to the amulet, they must make a DC 15 Charisma saving throw at the end of each long rest and when they use the amulet's ability. This saving throw is rolled with disadvantage if made due to the amulet's ability. On a failed save, a vision of Lolth (an illusion without stats) appears to the attuned creature, offering demonic power in exchange for servitude. If she is turned down, Lolth becomes an enemy of the creature for the rest of their mortal life. If her offer is accepted, the character's next level must be a level in the Warlock Class, using the Fiend Patron subclass.
- 1 Demon Heart: While holding the heart, it can be used to cast Plane Shift as a ritual. Only the creature holding the heart may shift. This consumes the heart. When the spell is cast, roll 1d20. On a 1, the bearer is shifted to The Demonwebs of Lolth in the Abyss instead of the intended destination.
- 1 Devoted Amulet of Lolth: Signifies a Drow's position in their society. High-ranking Drow wear them proudly, and fakes are difficult to manufacture and easy to spot due to the rare Black Pearls set into the real ones. Worth 500 gp and grants advantage on Charisma checks made to integrate into the upper echelons of Drow society.
- 1 Set of Holy Robes of Lolth: Becomes tattered when exposed to sunlight. After 8 hours in sunlight, fades away to nothing. Wearing these marks a creature as one of Lolth's favored, and grants the creature the right to own slaves in Drow society. Creatures who own slaves that do not wear these robes are singled out for suspicion by Drow sentries.
- 2 Hands of the Arachnomancer: Acts as an improvised melee weapon. On a hit, the target takes 28 poison damage, then the hand loses this ability and becomes a mundane Drow hand.
Drow Favored Consort (18) - humanoid (survival)
- 2 Drow Scimitars: Becomes tattered when exposed to sunlight. After 8 hours in sunlight, it rusts away to nothing.
- 1 Drow Hand Crossbow: Becomes tattered when exposed to sunlight. After 8 hours in sunlight, it rusts away to nothing.
- 2d4 Vials of Drow Poison: Can be applied to a weapon or piece of ammunition as an action. A creature hit by the poisoned weapon or ammunition must make a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or be poisoned for 1 hour. If the saving throw fails by 5 or more, the target is also unconscious while poisoned in this way. The target wakes up if it takes damage or if another creature takes an action to shake it awake.
- 3d4 Healing Potions
- 1 Arcane Focus (decays in sunlight)
- 1 Spellbook
- 2 Flasks of Alchemist's Fire
- 2d4 Books (useless, decay in sunlight)
- 1 Devoted Amulet of Lolth: Signifies a Drow's position in their society. High-ranking Drow wear them proudly, and fakes are difficult to manufacture and easy to spot due to the rare Black Pearls set into the real ones. Worth 500 gp and grants advantage on Charisma checks made to integrate into the upper echelons of Drow society.
- 1d4 Skill Books: Contain knowledge concerning a certain skill and topic that the Consort was interested in. For example: History (Drow Houses). Using the book for 5 minutes is equivalent on rolling a 15 on the related skill
- 1 Book of Secrets: Contains highly classified information about the house the consort serves, written from the consort's perspective. The consort could have been using this information as insurance against the house, or as part of a plot to overthrow someone in the house. In the right hands, it is invaluable.
- 1 Keepsake: A trinket or letter revealing the Consort's true ambitions or reason for their work
Drow House Captain (9) - humanoid (survival)
- 2 Drow Scimitars: Becomes tattered when exposed to sunlight. After 8 hours in sunlight, it rusts away to nothing.
- 1 Drow Hand Crossbow: Becomes tattered when exposed to sunlight. After 8 hours in sunlight, it rusts away to nothing.
- 1 Drow Whip: Becomes tattered when exposed to sunlight. After 8 hours in sunlight, it rusts away to nothing.
- 1d4 Vials of Drow Poison: Can be applied to a weapon or piece of ammunition as an action. A creature hit by the poisoned weapon or ammunition must make a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or be poisoned for 1 hour. If the saving throw fails by 5 or more, the target is also unconscious while poisoned in this way. The target wakes up if it takes damage or if another creature takes an action to shake it awake.
- 1 Set of Drow Chain Mail: Becomes tattered when exposed to sunlight. After 8 hours in sunlight, it rusts away to nothing.
- 1 House Crest: Displays the symbol of a wealthy Drow household who this Drow served, and grants advantage on Charisma (Deception) checks made to convince others the holder of the crest is associated with the Drow household.
- 1d2 Warrior's Marks: A scrap of skin with a tattoo on it that can be used to prove the identity of the foe.
- 1 Keepsake: A trinket or letter revealing the House Captain's true ambitions or reason for their work
Drow Inquisitor (14) - humanoid (survival)
- 1 Death Lance: Acts as a lance that deals an additional 2d8 necrotic damage on a hit. The target's hit point maximum is reduced by an amount equal to the necrotic damage it takes. This reduction lasts until the target finishes a long rest. The target dies if its hit point maximum is reduced to 0.
- 1 Drow Breastplate: Becomes tattered when exposed to sunlight. After 8 hours in sunlight, it rusts away to nothing.
- 3d4 Vials of Drow Poison: Can be applied to a weapon or piece of ammunition as an action. A creature hit by the poisoned weapon or ammunition must make a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or be poisoned for 1 hour. If the saving throw fails by 5 or more, the target is also unconscious while poisoned in this way. The target wakes up if it takes damage or if another creature takes an action to shake it awake.
- 1 Devoted Amulet of Lolth: Signifies a Drow's position in their society. High-ranking Drow wear them proudly, and fakes are difficult to manufacture and easy to spot due to the rare Black Pearls set into the real ones. Worth 500 gp and grants advantage on Charisma checks made to integrate into the upper echelons of Drow society.
- 2 Sets of Holy Robes of Lolth: Becomes tattered when exposed to sunlight. After 8 hours in sunlight, fades away to nothing. Wearing these marks a creature as one of Lolth's favored, and grants the creature the right to own slaves in Drow society. Creatures who own slaves that do not wear these robes are singled out for suspicion by Drow sentries.
- 1 Holy Symbol of Lolth
- 1 Spellcasting Component Pouch (based on spells listed)
- 3d4 Trophies of Torture: The DM can choose loot from other NPCs for each trophy, or simply use trinkets. Most trophies will be of little value to anyone aside from the Inquisitor, but might be used to determine who the Inquisitor's victims were.
- 1 House Crest: Displays the symbol of a wealthy Drow household who this Drow served, and grants advantage on Charisma (Deception) checks made to convince others the holder of the crest is associated with the Drow household.
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Yo mamma so evil she ruthlessly enforces slavery and hierarchy at all levels of society |
- 1 Set of Drow Half Plate Armor: Becomes tattered when exposed to sunlight. After 8 hours in sunlight, it rusts away to nothing.
- 1 Demon Staff: Acts as a magic quarterstaff that deals an additional 4d6 psychic damage on a hit and requires attunement. on a hit, a target must succeed on a DC 19 Wisdom saving throw or become frightened of the attuned creature for 1 minute. The frightened target can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. The attuned creature can use its action to magically summon a yochlol. The yochlol appears in an unoccupied space within 60 feet of its summoner, acts as an ally of its summoner, and can't summon other demons. It remains for 10 minutes, until it or its summoner dies, or until its summoner dismisses it as an action. The attuned creature can use a bonus action to bestow the Spider Queen's blessing on one ally they can see within 30 feet of her. The ally takes 2d6 psychic damage but has advantage on the next attack roll it makes until the end of its next turn. Curse. While a creature is attuned to the staff, they must make a DC 19 Charisma saving throw at the end of each long rest and when they use the staff to summon a yochlol or bestow the Spider Queen's blessing. This saving throw is rolled with disadvantage if made due to the staff's abilities. On a failed save, a vision of Lolth (an illusion without stats) appears to the attuned creature, offering demonic power in exchange for servitude. If she is turned down, Lolth casts Inflict Wounds (+11 to hit) at 3rd level targeting the attuned creature, then vanishes. If her offer is accepted, the character's next level must be a level in the Cleric Class, using the Trickery Domain subclass.
- 1 Tentacle Rod: DMG pg. 208
- 3d4 Vials of Drow Poison: Can be applied to a weapon or piece of ammunition as an action. A creature hit by the poisoned weapon or ammunition must make a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or be poisoned for 1 hour. If the saving throw fails by 5 or more, the target is also unconscious while poisoned in this way. The target wakes up if it takes damage or if another creature takes an action to shake it awake.
- 1 House Crest: Displays the symbol of a wealthy Drow household who this Drow served, and grants advantage on Charisma (Deception) checks made to convince others the holder of the crest is associated with the Drow household.
- 1 Devoted Amulet of Lolth: Signifies a Drow's position in their society. High-ranking Drow wear them proudly, and fakes are difficult to manufacture and easy to spot due to the rare Black Pearls set into the real ones. Worth 500 gp and grants advantage on Charisma checks made to integrate into the upper echelons of Drow society.
- 2 Sets of Holy Robes of Lolth: Becomes tattered when exposed to sunlight. After 8 hours in sunlight, fades away to nothing. Wearing these marks a creature as one of Lolth's favored, and grants the creature the right to own slaves in Drow society. Creatures who own slaves that do not wear these robes are singled out for suspicion by Drow sentries.
- 1 Holy Symbol of Lolth
- 1 Spellcasting Component Pouch: Contains a 100 gp glass eye, a 250 gp forked metal rod attuned to Lolth's Demonwebs plane, an 1000 gp reliquary holding a sacred relic of Lolth, a 5000 gp diamond, and various other spellcasting components.
- 2 Keepsakes: A trinket or letter revealing the Matron Mother's true ambitions or reason for their work
- 1 Book of Secrets: Contains highly classified information about the house the matron serves, written from the matron's perspective. The consort could have been using this information as insurance against rebellion, or as part of a plot to overthrow someone in the house. In the right hands, it is invaluable.
- 2d4 Exquisite Jewelry: Necklaces, earrings, or rings. Each is worth at least 1,000 GP.
- 1 Tiara of the Matron Mother: Signifies the highest ranking of the Drow. The Matron Mothers are well-known throughout Drow society, and anyone who holds the crown and doesn't appear to be a Matron Mother immediately draws the hostility of any Drow they encounter. A creature disguised as a Matron Mother without a Tiara has disadvantage on Charisma checks made to deceive Drow of their identity. If a creature appears exactly the same as a Matron Mother and is wearing the Tiara, they gain advantage on all Charisma checks made towards Drow.
- 1d4 Drow Tribute: These trinkets and baubles are gifts to the Matron Mother. Each is worth at least 5,000 gp, and they might include rare gems or magic items.
- 1 Seal of the Matron Mother: Corresponds to a particular Retriever controlled by the Matron Mother's house. The Seal can be activated by a Drow wearing the Tiara of the Matron Mother by speaking a secret word, usually found in the Matron Mother's Book of Secrets. The Retriever will follow any order related to retrieving an item or creature located in the Abyss. If the Retriever is sent to the lair of a Demon Lord or if it runs into a powerful demon on its journey (25% chance), it does not return and the seal becomes nonmagical. Otherwise, the Retriever returns with the item or creature in 1d4 weeks.
Drow Shadowblade (11) - humanoid (survival)
- 1 Set of Drow Studded Leather: Becomes tattered when exposed to sunlight. After 8 hours in sunlight, it rusts away to nothing.
- 1 Shadow Sword Hilt: Requires attunement. An attuned creature can cast Shadow Blade (XGtE pg. 164) as 2nd level. Once the spell has been cast three times, it can't be cast again until the next dawn. Curse. The attuned creature is possessed by a Shadow Demon. Only a Banishment spell or similar magic can end this attunement. The attuned creature has disadvantage on attack rolls, as well as Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight, while it or the object it is attacking or perceiving is in sunlight.
- 1 Drow Hand Crossbow: Becomes tattered when exposed to sunlight. After 8 hours in sunlight, it rusts away to nothing.
- 2d4 Vials of Drow Poison: Can be applied to a weapon or piece of ammunition as an action. A creature hit by the poisoned weapon or ammunition must make a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or be poisoned for 1 hour. If the saving throw fails by 5 or more, the target is also unconscious while poisoned in this way. The target wakes up if it takes damage or if another creature takes an action to shake it awake.
- 1 Vial of Foul Ichor: No immediate use. Can be mastercrafted (alchemist’s supplies) into a potion of poison immunity. When consumed, grants immunity to poison damage and the poisoned condition for 1 hour, and heals any poisons currently affecting the creature.
- 2d4 Shadow Claws: Acts as a dagger +1 that deals psychic damage instead of piercing damage. The dagger is destroyed when exposed to sunlight.
- 1 Vial of Ectoplasm: No immediate use. Can be crafted (alchemist’s supplies) into a Potion of Invisibility or an Oil of Etherealness.
- 1d2 Warrior's Marks: A scrap of skin with a tattoo on it that can be used to prove the identity of the foe.
- 1 Keepsake: A trinket or letter revealing the Shadowblade's true ambitions or reason for their work
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#1 Nasty Boye |
- 2 Duergar Despot's Iron Fist: Acts as an iron gauntlet, allowing a creature wearing the gauntlet to make unarmed strikes that deal 1d8 bludgeoning damage. The creature must be proficient in heavy armor to use the gauntlet in this way. If the target is Large or smaller, it must succeed on a Strength saving throw (the DC for which is the gauntlet wearer's Strength modifier + their proficiency bonus + 8) or be knocked up to 10 feet away in a straight line. The target then takes 1d6 bludgeoning damage.
- 2 Duergar Despot's Stomping Foot: Acts as an iron boot, allowing a creature wearing the gauntlet to make unarmed strikes that deal 1d8 bludgeoning damage. The creature must be proficient in heavy armor to use the boot in this way. A prone target takes an additional 1d8 bludgeoning damage on a hit.
- 1 Flame Jet: A creature holding the Jet can activate it using an action. The Jet spews flames in a line 100 feet long and 5 feet wide. Each creature in the line must make a DC 16 Dexterity saving throw, taking 18 (4d8) fire damage on a failed save, or half as much on a successful one. The Jet then loses this ability.
- 1 Duergar Despot's Outer Shell: Acts as +3 Plate Armor that only fits dwarves. While worn, a creature's dexterity score is reduced to 5, and they make Constitution and Strength checks with disadvantage.
- 1 Duergar Despot Engine: The Engine has AC 10 and 50 hit points. If a creature deals at least 10 psychic damage to the Engine with a single spell or attack, the Engine starts. Each creature within 5 feet of the engine takes 14 (4d6) psychic damage. If the attack reduces the Engine to 0 hit points, the effect does not trigger and the engine becomes non-functional.
- 1d8 Duergar Fingers: No immediate use. Acts as a trophy among Underdark hunters and adventurers.
- 1 Duergar Head: Marks the holder as an enemy of the Duergar. Can be carefully crafted (alchemist’s supplies) into a Potion of Growth, or mastercrafted (alchemist’s supplies) into a Potion of Invisibility.
- 1 Duergar Despot's Helm: A creature with an Intelligence score of 15 or higher can use the helm to ease the burden of metal armor by attuning to the helm. An attuned creature gains proficiency in heavy armor while their Intelligence score remains 15 or higher.
- 2d4 Slave Shackles
Duergar Hammerer (2) - construct (arcana)
- 1 Excavation Claw: Acts as a handaxe that deals double damage to objects and structures.
- 1 Siege Hammer: Acts as a maul that deals double damage to objects and structures.
- 1d8 Duergar Fingers: No immediate use. Acts as a trophy among Underdark hunters and adventurers.
Duergar Kavalrachni (2) - humanoid (survival)
- 1 Set of Tattered Scale Mail
- 1 Tattered Shield
- 1 Tattered War Pick
- 1 Tattered Heavy Crossbow
- 1d8 Duergar Fingers: No immediate use. Acts as a trophy among Underdark hunters and adventurers.
- 1 Duergar Head: Marks the holder as an enemy of the Duergar. Can be carefully crafted (alchemist’s supplies) into a Potion of Growth, or mastercrafted (alchemist’s supplies) into a Potion of Invisibility.
Duergar Mind Master (2) - humanoid (survival)
- 1 Set of Tattered Leather Armor
- 1 Mind-Poison Dagger: Acts as a dagger that deals an additional 1d6 psychic damage on a hit.
- 1d8 Duergar Fingers: No immediate use. Acts as a trophy among Underdark hunters and adventurers.
Duergar Screamer (3) - humanoid (survival)
- 1 Tattered Drill: Acts as a lance that deals double damage to objects and structures.
- 1d8 Duergar Fingers: No immediate use. Acts as a trophy among Underdark hunters and adventurers.
- 1 Duergar Screamer Head: Marks the holder as an enemy of the Duergar. The Head has AC 10 and 5 hit points. If a creature deals at least 3 lightning damage to the Head with a single spell or attack, the Head convulses and screams. Each creature within 5 feet of the engine must succeed on a DC 11 Strength saving throw or take 7 (2d6) thunder damage and be knocked prone. If the attack reduces the Head to 0 hit points, the effect does not trigger and the Head becomes non-functional.
Duergar Soulblade (1) - humanoid (survival)
- 1 Set of Tattered Leather Armor
- 1 Duergar Soulblade Head: Marks the holder as an enemy of the Duergar. The Head has AC 10 and 5 hit points. If a creature deals at least 3 lightning damage to the Head with a single spell or attack, the Head manifests a soulblade and attacks a random target within 5 feet of the head. The attack has +5 to hit and deals 6 (1d6+3) force damage on a hit. If the lightning damage reduces the Head to 0 hit points, the effect does not trigger and the Head becomes non-functional.
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The Mo-rock is not a phase, mom! |
- 1 Set of Tattered Chain Mail
- 1 Tattered Shield
- 1 Duergar King's Knife: Acts as a shortsword. Denotes the wielder as a member of the Stone Guard, granting advantage on Charisma checks made to convince others the wielder is a member of the organization.
- 1d4 Javelins
- 1d8 Duergar Fingers: No immediate use. Acts as a trophy among Underdark hunters and adventurers.
- 1 Duergar Head: Marks the holder as an enemy of the Duergar. Can be carefully crafted (alchemist’s supplies) into a Potion of Growth, or mastercrafted (alchemist’s supplies) into a Potion of Invisibility.
Duergar Warlord (6) - humanoid (survival)
- 1 Set of Tattered Plate Armor
- 1 Tattered Shield
- 1 Psychic-Attuned Hammer: Acts as a warhammer that deals an additional 1d10 spychic damage on a hit.
- 1d4 Javelins
- 1d8 Duergar Fingers: No immediate use. Acts as a trophy among Underdark hunters and adventurers.
- 1 Duergar Head: Marks the holder as an enemy of the Duergar. Can be carefully crafted (alchemist’s supplies) into a Potion of Growth, or mastercrafted (alchemist’s supplies) into a Potion of Invisibility.
- 1 Duergar Warlord's Crown: A creature that looks like a Duergar and is wearing the crown has advantage on Charisma checks made to influence Duergar. The creature can use their action to issue a Duergar call to action, allowing up to 3 allied Duergar within 120 feet of them to use each of their reactions to make one weapon attack. Once used three times, the crown can't be used this way again until the next dawn.
- 1d4 Slave Shackles
- 1 Duergar Warlord's Scepter: Requires attunement. An attuned creature can use their action to mentally assist an ally they can see. The ally takes 1d6 psychic damage, and can roll a d6 and add the number to any d20 roll they are making on their turn. A creature immune to psychic damage cannot benefit from this effect.
Duergar Xarrorn (2) - humanoid (survival)
- 1 Set of Tattered Plate Armor
- 1 Fire Lance: Acts as a lance that deals an additional 1d6 fire damage on a hit. A creature can discharge the lance's fire reserves to cast Burning Hands (Save DC 12) from the lance. Once the spell is cast, the lance becomes a mundane lance until a vial of Alchemist's Fire is emptied into it.
- 1d8 Duergar Fingers: No immediate use. Acts as a trophy among Underdark hunters and adventurers.
- 1 Duergar Head: Marks the holder as an enemy of the Duergar. Can be carefully crafted (alchemist’s supplies) into a Potion of Growth, or mastercrafted (alchemist’s supplies) into a Potion of Invisibility.
And that's it! The end of the D's! I swear, every time I do one of these series the D's always drag on. Next week, we'll go back to doing more than just one letter. Okay, it's only two letters, but it's something!
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I wasn't aware how into orange I was until I read this book |
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